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Random Thoughts....

It seems to be. Bloody annoying to have this so shortly after my encounter with covid just after Easter.

I’m trying to determine my current dry cough for the last two weeks. last full week in April, i was working at one of the area’s oh so beautiful (/s) paper mills along the Rur. Its an ancient place i think with a brown coal boiler still operating like the other mill in Kreuzau. But this place has more people smoking indoors and the last two days there we were in one of the control rooms near the converted natural gas boilers. But of course my colleagues and the personal there thought smoking in a sealed room was great, and i had to write up data from the control systems in that room. What, am i going to tell 4 guys to knock it off when its clearly SOP for them? Since then, I've had a persistent cough that results in a migraine some days, but is managed by ibprofen. On friday I apologized about coughing and explained the situation. He stops me and goes “thats from the coal dust.” I said “where? Theres none in the air, i didn’t have this at the other mill.” He repeated his statement. I don’t think starting the day with the personal there smoking a couple in the 5th level stairwell and bullshitting for the first hour is helpful either. I stand with these people because i have already been called out for not being social enough.

Are some people really in the 1950s or maybe i’m stupid?
Damn, now I crave a cigarette
kurzgezat just made a pretty epic video about smoking

Besides the good feelings they describe, it all felt like health class in school for me. But if people didnt get that type of education growing up, or forgot then good for to see it modernized.
I was googling an old power tool, and came across this page. How does this happen? 😅


My favorite part:

That needs some work because it's more obviously fake than most phishing emails.
Looks like it's meant to mount a tractor PTO, depending on your tractor, that might be the case.
Yep we can do that.