Random Thoughts....

Speaking of jobs, is anybody else here worried about career prospects?

I got laid off (or rather my company did) my crappy retail job and was pretty worried for a couple of months of job searching, but I just managed to find what appears to be a magical dream job from fantasy-land. I landed a tech support job with very little experience, complete with enough tuition reimbursement that I can go back to school and take a class or two at a time while working. It was a weird combination of "right place at the right time" (they needed to quickly hire two people for a new client) and "small world" (I was recommended by one of the IT guys because his son played little league baseball with my brother).

Now I just need to HOLD ON FOR DEAR LIFE.
Speaking of jobs, is anybody else here worried about career prospects?

I know I'm starting to worry about career prospects since my field (aerospace engineering) is constantly fluctuating in terms of job prospects, and with the GFC many aerospace/engineering companies are on recruiting holds at the moment, thus making it difficult for newbs like me to get my foot in the door...

I know the GFC will eventually be over, but I just can't help wondering...

Nope, I've got one semester of uni left and am already working 30 hours a week and full time when i'm not attending uni and they're making arrangements for when I graduate :D
Speaking of jobs, is anybody else here worried about career prospects?

I'm going back to school...
Hopefully that will open up the field for me.
Unemployment is boring.. <_<
My mother-in-law just came by with a bowl of freshly picked cleaned strawberries :drool: I love strawberries and my bf doesn't really, all for meeeeeeee :D

Arent mothers in law supposed to be all evil tyrants with the knife always ready to stab you in the back? I?d be careful eating those ... <_<

Status update: Ate all the strawberries, still feeling fine :D
Would you care to enlighten us as to how Finnish saunas are different that the things we have here?

I like a sauna session now and then, but I've known more people who couldn't stand being in a sauna for 10 seconds than people who actually enjoyed it.

Personally I much, much prefer a steam room to a dry sauna... not sure how either compare to the traditional stuff you guys have.

allow me

"Traditional stuff" = 90?C +, very low humidity
snow or very cold shower afterwards
it's awesome and manly and shit
the end
So basically it's like what exists everywhere else in the world, except it's hotter?

Because both hot and wet saunas exists here, and I thought it was customary to take a cold shower after anyway, both for hygiene and for the feeling (which I just love by the way... better yet, just jump in the pool if it's your own).
here's a random thought. I just got myself some new beer glasses, to match their future contents.

My gut feeling has always been that engineering is one of those fields that is always fluctuating in terms of career prospect, but I'm hoping that by the time I graduate things will have gotten better again.

Engineering training means you can do more than just engineering. Businesses and consulting companies even outside of engineering fields like engineers because they can think analytically, do math, and know computers. Stick with it; you're pretty much set so long as you keep your eyes open for even the most barely-relevant opportunities.
Tonight in Shanghai I went to a hokey-ass American restaurant and ate barbeque ribs, and now I'm watching bullriding championships on Chinese TV, dubbed and everything! America, fuck yeah, indeed. :mrgreen:

I fly out tomorrow but evidently tonight I got a head start on going back...
Tonight in Shanghai I went to a hokey-ass American restaurant and ate barbeque ribs, and now I'm watching bullriding championships on Chinese TV, dubbed and everything! America, fuck yeah, indeed. :mrgreen:
So I guess they aren't as hardcore about evil Western influences as I thought?
^ Bah, almost every first world city that ever existed or will exist will be or exist by capatilism so 'evil westen influences' can go to hell, people in China just like everywhere else in the world speak Mercedes and Gucci.
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So I guess they aren't as hardcore about evil Western influences as I thought?

They haven't been since at least 1980. Forget what they said in the textbooks, and pay attention to the toys that parents buy their kids. In my case, in the mid-80s, it was Transformers and Ninja Turtles.
It sucks when, on the miraculously second day in a row of sun, I can't get to the beach because my ca's in the shop, and I'm sick. Damn food allergies. :(
I'm so sick of this heat, and not having a car that has a competent air conditioner.

The heat index is 43C in June. We're not used to those kinds of temperatures here until at least the end of July.