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Really Old Server status thread

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I enabled editing the old world (I think). Let me know if it works.

unless the locking didn't lock terrain it worked.

ps. Here is how to go to the old world!
He, that must have been really recent. I built that Nether portal 2 days ago.
He, that must have been really recent. I built that Nether portal 2 days ago.

2nd try!

i made it yesterday :eek:
I like the honesty of that video, you were killed but did you didn't edit it out. :p

I think I'll reinstall MC tonight, currently I have 1.7.3 for Buildcraft but I'd like to get back on the server. Anyone mind if I enclose that walkway in glass to protect from critters?

It would also be nice if my Land Rover shaped mansion could be moved to the creative world so I can finally finish it. :)
It would also be nice if my Land Rover shaped mansion could be moved to the creative world so I can finally finish it. :)

Find a suitable place for it and bug me. I'll copy it over.
Server has been moved to our new box, and updated to 1.1. I've also switched to CraftBukkit++, which is a highly optimized version of the server. Hopefully that will reduce lag. Let me know if you have any problems.
Thanks PC, looking forward to trying that tomorrow. I've enjoyed spending a bit more time on there recently randomly building stuff. :)
so since karoug (forau) cannot build anything even if i gave the permissions to the creative world.
I now urge you all to go to play to our mc server and try to build in the creative (also op need to be online to give permissions, SO shout in the chat plz!)
The mc server need some serious admin work done on it. Now that we're all moved to our new hosting, maybe I'll actually have time to to that.
I updated the list of plugins. There are some fun new ones.

Also, please note that everyone will need to get re-added to the builders list to edit creative. Also, doors and switches should work in the old world now.

Edit: The map is updating again.
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Is it just me or is the old world not right?
In what sense?
Well, I ended up not in the FG Hotel, and I didn't see any structures at all.
I just looked at the map, and it appears that the old world is no longer there. I can't see anything recognisable. Spawn point seems to be in the middle of a desert.
OK, looks like I need to smack some sense into the server then.
So now that 1.2 is out with new terrain (again), do we start from scratch or what? Sure it won't be the last time anyways, but you know...

Edit: Forgot all about the doubling of the map height.
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I fixed the old world. Chat mirroring is broken until the plugin maintainer replies to my bug report.

As for 1.2 support, my feeling is that we should keep our current world until Spout's server is to a usable state, at which point we should switch from Bukkit to it and generate a new adventure world. I'll be slightly sad to lose my lair and castle, but whatever.
Does that mean I have to rebuild my ridiculously complicated, hidden stairs? Aww!

yes, and i need to make a working 4x4 door :p
Not sure if it's just me, but every time I go check the server, it says 0/20 people playing. Is it because I'm in the wrong 'world', is there really no one playing, or is my timing just terribly poor?
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