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Recording quality for full episodes


Jun 14, 2004
I was wondering how I can reach the person who records and encodes the full episodes because although the file size tends to stay the same, the quality of the videos have gone down DRASTICALLY. perfect example is comparing the "May 16th '04" Top Gear episode with the latest version. I also re-encode the video into smaller, more topic-specific clips (e.g. Alfa 166 ONLY, guests ONLY, challenges ONLY, etc) and I need all the quality I can get...... can anyone help me out?
As far as I know, Vuk has been using the same settings this whole time pretty much for Top Gear. He does pull them off broadcast TV and not cable or something which does create rare static issues or something, but personally, I notice no difference.

And before anyone suggests a better quality video and going to like 696 MB or something, that's not gonna happen. I'm shooting for 300 MB/hour.

Anyway, those two episodes you mentioned look the same quality to me...
yep, same settings throughout no change what so ever.

remember tho i am recording from the analogue source so the quality may be affected by that but not by much
really?? they look the same? because I ripped a clip from the may episode..... the source was 300mb also, and AFTER I DOWNSIZED the clip... it's still bigger resolution than 336X192.... which is the quality of the latest episode.... not to mention the re-encode I did has better quality too :|
and BTW


what u do is use AVI MPEG ASF WMV Splitter and CUT OUT the segments u want, that way NONE of the quality is lost and it is already in the divx format as the original source
MikeMcLarenF1 said:
Ok a little more info... I got the may episode off suprnova... is that why?
It was most likely not a rip from this site...
yep, most TG eps that u see around are about 300mb in size, it does not mean its from the same source
oh.... ok..... well I got the link off suprnova but I havn't actually downloaded any episodes off THIS site yet...... can u tell me the resolution of the vids on this site?
ok lol

just remember how to cut out segments
meh. just tried the splitter..... dun like it... i cud've done the same thing in virtualdub but.... since it starts cutting from keyframes, it sometimes include stuff that I dont want. Oh well, i've confirmed that the eps from this site is the quality i want so there's no prob now :p
What settings are u using to encode the video?
What app and what codec also. I'm trying to encode some video's for a friend and I can't seem to get near that quality @ 450megs / hour. with divx 5.

edit: and I haven't even put audio, this is JUST the video source.

P.S. I love this site.... My bro and I are building a theatre room to enjoy top gear the way it should be (and i'm not kidding)....