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Religion: Good or Bad?

Religion: Good or Bad?

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Oct 4, 2004
Clarkson's House
There's been a strong undercurrent of religion in many of our discussions, so there may as well be a thread about it.

Religion has many good and bad qualities.

- forms the basis/framework of our society and laws
- brings people together
- teaches people to help others and treat them well

- often used for political/power purposes
- causes wars and violence
- some aspects are outdated

BTW: Treat people's belief system with a mature level of courtesy.
I am a strict follower of religion. I say it is good as it gives us spiritual harmony and some kind of safeness. We always have hope especiaaly in very difficult situations and turn to God.

you are right in saying that it is used in politics but i would not blame the religion, it is often the religious leaders who misuse it.
I think religion is essential, as it gives man a basis for life. I don't think I'm exaggerating in saying that the entire world's cultures are shaped on religion - to completely throw it away would, I think, result in a tragic degradation of society and morals, to the point that the world would become a corrupt place. I'm not saying that would happen, but I believe it could.

I do disagree with one point you made, UKD - religion does not cause violence - it's the people that interpret it the way they want to and turn it into violence. Look at Al-quaida, the Taliban, and other Muslim extremists - they are causing countless deaths based on their interpretation of the Muslim religion. Yet, according to true Muslim religion, they are horribly wrong, and true Muslims would never commit the atrocities those people do.

Also, look at the Catholic and Protestant feuds that have ravaged Ireland...both religions, if followed correctly, condemn such action. Yet the people use their religion as a basis for attacking each other.

I don't think any religion, if followed correctly, would promote killing someone who is completely innocent for no reason.

Perhaps a better way to word it would be "Religion is used as the basis for many wars"
UKD, You also forgot under "Good" points for religion - salvation for the soul. ;)

Very good points SiR Dude. Most of the religious conflict or extremism is peoples misinterpritation. Other than that, religion is good. Of course Im speaking as a Christian myself. ;)

I wonder what the break down of diff religions in this forum is? Thats another poll anyway.
Re: Religion: Good or Bad?

Ultra_Kool_Dude said:
- often used for political/power purposes
- causes wars and violence
- some aspects are outdated
While arguments have been made against the first 2 points, I would like to say that religion (or even some part of it) is not necessarily outdated. It only depends on how the religion is interpreted and applied. Its ironic to think that God (given that such a being exists) is powerful and wise enough to create the universe and everything in it and somehow doesn't have the brains to come up with a religion for His followers to follow which becomes outdated as time progresses. I wouldn't want to underestimate His capabilities, OH NO! ;)

Of course that does not mean any non-believer must be forced to believe that all that a religion has to say is up-to-date. So, the natural conclusion is that it is based on faith.
Bad, it causes hate and mistrust between two religions. It does unite people under the same faith, but I think the cons of religion outweigh the pros.
bad, although it creates peace between people in their religion, but it creates conflicts between religions.... we already have enough political, racial conflicts in the world... why add another 1 more conflict between all the people in the world...
- Gives you a feeling of security, comfort, and something to strive for.
- Ultimately, all moral codes originated from religions.

What happens when you take religion out of the private life?

- Used by people to justify racism (slavery in the south).
- Used by people to justify sexism (Taliban, women's suffrage, etc.).
- Used by people to justify homophobia and bigotry.
- Used to justify massive campaigns of death (Crusades, Europeans in Latin America and Africa).
- Used to justify terrorist attacks (9/11).
- Hinders the progress of science.
- No equality can ever be achieved in a country that is not secular in it's government practices.

Granted, religion was around before all these events, it's still used by people to justify their wrong doings. I'm not directly blaming religion, but when it's brought out into the public and is forced upon people, it becomes something quite bad. If religion was kept in everyone's homes in private, the world would be a much better place.
Never one religion on this planet asks to fight with the other never seen any.All the religions are defensive.NO one wants war.It's atheist system that wants it.Nazi,Socialism,communism,zionism.

All these are made by men.

And as for wars they happen because some people like to use it for their own importance.And IMO Taliban were Muslims by name and dressing nothing else.What the Taliban implemented was the Pushtun Tribal law favoured throughout Afghanistan by Pathans.If you put Islams name in it it makes enforcing easier as dumb people won't know how to resist it.

And for sexual discrimination I dun see any in Islam.I am not sure bout christianity and Jew.
Islam has the most sexual discrimination out of all the religions... they seem to split everything for men and women... eg. Men can go to the Mosque, women are not even allowed to step in....
What religion tries to do and what people do with it are different things, no doubt.

And you seriously have to be blind to admit that there is no sexual discrimination in the muslim world. Look at Saudi Arabia and Iran, they're using religious scriptures to justify the classifaction of women as second class citizens.

Zionism is not an atheist system, stop being blinded by Islamic fundamentalists. I'm about as pro-Palestinian as it gets, but to claim that Jews don't have the right to inhabit the land of their forefathers is close minded. Zionism is fostered by the religious belief that the Jews have the right to the holy land. Don't try to twist the facts in your favour.

Also, explain 9/11, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisitions, and the killing of the 'savages' in Africa and Latin America in the name of Christianity. I'm not saying religion tells these people to do what they do directly, but religion gives them the ability to justify their actions.

The solution to all of this is simple, keep religion private. How hard is that? Why does religion have to be a part of the state?

EDIT: Women are allowed in mosques. Like I said, if people really practised Islam correctly, women would have more rights in Muslim countries than anywhere in the world. I'm sure that's true for any religion. The issue is that people in power are allowed to use religion to dictate how they rule the people.
I agree with ///M, you can easily see in Islam society, women are treated as second class compared to men, I don't know how you can say Islam has no Sexual discrimination...
Look ///M you said the exact thing I did about sexual discrimintaion in Islam.The Laws in Saudi Arabia are more cultural than religious.

ANd Andy if you don't know it's better to ask.Women are allowed in Mosques and out of their homes.Please don't talk crap you live in a Muslm country and fail to know that.Were as ///M can in a Christian majority state really shame on you.

And ///M zionists and Jews are different that's what I meant.A zionists can be a jew whereas a Jew is not necessarily a Zionist.

ANd like I said previously religion in the past was used for the good of rulers and venturing deep into religions you won't see any of the things that they did as legal.
Misusing religion is still on today.but then humas misuse it and the religion ( Islam as I am concerend) is perfect.People misuse religion and not that religion is bad.
no... maybe some Muslim dude can clear this up... I think the Muslim code says that women is 2nd class compared to men... or is it how the the islamic fundamentalists intepret it as that?
And ///M I have no intentions of turning fact to my favour what you said is true.It was founded by Theodore Hertzl (spelling??) For the purpose you mentioned
So you agree that a state should never be dictated by religious beliefs?

The fact that people are given the oppurtunity to misuse a religion shows how bad religion in public really is. The only way forward is a secular state, with a secular leader.
andyhui01 said:
no... maybe some Muslim dude can clear this up... I think the Muslim code says that women is 2nd class compared to men... or is it how the the islamic fundamentalists intepret it as that?

It's how fundamentalists look at it, no doubt. Some Muslims go as far as saying that women are supposed to be held in higher regard compared to men. There's a common arabic saying, heaven is at the feet of your mother.

The problems in the Muslim world are deeply rooted in the fact that arab families are extremely father oriented. For example, female circumsition. It's a horrible, archaic practice that is still accepted in Egypt, even though it's not allowed under Islam. Extremists, despite evidence, have used religious texts to support their claim, and stop the government from banning the act. That's my point, when you have people in power using religion to control the masses. Personally, I don't care what you worship, I think all people are equal and if there really is a supreme being, that supreme being is going to judge us in the end.
andyhui01 said:
no... maybe some Muslim dude can clear this up... I think the Muslim code says that women is 2nd class compared to men... or is it how the the islamic fundamentalists intepret it as that?

Islam never says that Women are second class.The People do.And don't you know knowledge creates awareness and awareness creates rebllion.So what the fundamentalists did in Afghanistan is that they stopped education for women and as though men over there were educated.THeir men are uneducated as well.the only thing they know that a Mullahs order cannot be denied.See and some dumb people get the title and ruin it all.

Really Andy I admire ///M for his knowledge on religions and respect sad to say have to respect his opinions but then you live in a Muslim Majority state where the Hell do you see women being oppressed???

Muslim women are allowed to work and do all things that men do but then not everything.for some reasons that are IMO very appopriate.