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RSS Feeds


Oct 27, 2004
hi, im new here and i thought i would join to offer this suggestion. i did a search for rss, and couldnt find anything.

but i think a rss feed would be really nice, letting people know when new eps become available and new news, not to mention i have an rss plugin for azureus that automatically downloads torrents, based on filters, from torrent rss feeds.

*Edit: since this is stickied now, i thought id post the necessary info up here! :)

The feed addresses are:
http://gear.viper007bond.com/wp-rss2.php - (newer version of rss)
http://gear.viper007bond.com/wp-rss.php - (older version of rss)

if your reader supports rss 2 i would recamend the first one.

for information on what rss is and on some of the better readers visit this link:


[edit by Viper] Forum RSS/Atom feed: http://forum.finalgear.com/viewtopic.php?t=2933 [/edit]
yeah, my rss reader has a lil icon that will spin when new messages are available, and a box (kinda like msn messenger) will pop up with what it is. and the azureous plugin also reads the rss feed and scans for shows that i have set filters for, and will automatically download them.
Okej, I think most people here are so obsessed by TG and FG that they are going crazy 6 days before the episode is on telly...you might have noticed the TG Frenzy from 1 october till 24th of october :p

Proud to be part of it!
i think between Overheat and me and my lists we have TG/5thG ep info covered.

Cruzz563 said:
This site does have RSS newsfeeds:


The second one, I think, isn't used at all...
Yeah, I threw that in the last e-mail that went out.

And no, both are used. The first is RSS 1 and the second is in RSS 2. They are RSS feeds of the news on the main site.

Thread stickied and renamed.

Oh, BTW, what RSS reader do you use? I got to thinking it'd probably be handy for me to have one. :)
what the heck is a RSS? :shock:

and a RSS feed? last time I saw the word "feeds" I was on a pr0n website :lol:
RSS is a format in which to transmit data. It's usually used for like news and stuff. Click one of those links and see.

You can then get RSS readers that'll monitor the RSS feeds you tell it to and let you know when there's new data, like a post or whatever.

Get it?
how sweet is that.

I bet it's teh new shit for nerd people? :p

seriously, looks interesting.
Nah, nothing new. Been around for quite some time. ;)
me neither ... I'vent got a clue what this conversation is on about ... :lol: guess Im not a nerd after all .... feeds = porn? Renesis?? :lol: :lol:

No problem! :)
Is that what this little thing in the bottom right of my Firefox window is all about then?

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