I get irritated by the bashing because it gets to the point that when we make atleast a decent car, it still gets pissed on. I read a review the other day that said basically they love the z06, and compared it to the porsche GT3RS, the porsche was a bit scary to drive, but that was a good thing, and it made it better than the z06 which didn't tramline and had didn't have a twitchy backend...WTF?
I want JC to drive a Saleen S7 TT just to see what he says about it, I would love to see him actually have many good things to say about 1 American car.
I also just would like to see us American's get the F-ing clue and make a decent car. The solstice was close (interior feels typical gm cheap, and looks to be a PITA to work on), the entire new cadillac range, (especially the V-series) rock, they actually have IMO what can be called a "nice" interior. Keep in mind this is the 2006 models, the earlier CTS' for example were crap on interior.
The Chassis are getting a lot better, and they are making more respectable "hps/litre" (even though our "shitty ineffecient" 6.0 v8's are getting better gas mileage than Honda 3.0 v6's).
My entire household only (and continue to) own Japanese and (1)European (and only American cars will be classic, or down the line a new caddy if they keep bringing quality up), but I have enough pride, and know we can make a better car if the "bean counters" weren't in charge.
BTW, if anyone has watched the old Top Gear eps (prior to the Hammond/fat guy/May era) you'll see JC seems to really like American cars. He's done pieces on The ford T-birds, and also on how 15 years ago brits were importing Older American cars cause it was cheaper, and he even picked up a 72 olds cutlass convertable.
Are Vehicle records public in the UK? I'd love to see someone get a listing of all of JC's cars, I'd wager there were a significant amount of American made cars on the list.