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say no to fur

if this vid is the one where they skin animals alive, then i advise it's not for the weak hearted. no. make that it's not for anyone. it is just sick and disturbing, and it will bug you for weeks. :no:
why would then skin them alive? :( anyways something wrong with the link jason
the link worked perfectly here, except for the host being a little slow, i got only 50KB/s...

anyhow, this is the one where they skin animals alive indeed.
Although i think it is wrong to let the animals suffer inneccesarily, i do not object against wearing fur in general. I think there are ways to get fur that would let the aminals suffer less, and i think the most fur is gotten one of those (less harfull) ways, and in the western world like 99%.
There are some things I don't wont to see, such as behadings cruelsome animal slaughter etc. Please state a proper warning before posting such things.
oo well, tbh, if they ban fur or something, the people in the video will suffer, co they dont get much for what they do n e ways.
it's not to say that wearing animal hides is bad thing. but the video is just :cry:
to give you an idea for those who haven't seen it (based on what others said on another forum):
they are skinning a certain animal (i think raccoon) and they skin it while they are alive. as if that wasn't bad enough, when the guy toss the corpse in to the pile of other dead, skinned animals, it still moves about.
SuperGeijiMayuu said:
it's not to say that wearing animal hides is bad thing. but the video is just :cry:

IMO you are just as bad as the people who skin them if you wear fur.

I am a big animallover, therefore I hate these designers who use fur in their clothes :x

I know J. Lo promotes fur like crazy and there are some 'designers' in Holland who get lots of shit on them (which is a good thing in my opinion.)

I'm gonna make a new thread in Political Section about this.
evoWALO said:
Not to sound heartless but people killing animals has been going on for thousands of years. If we were living all those years ago we wouldnt be that shocked or grossed out.

Killing an animal is not what's gross about this video. Its the unnecessary act of skinning an animal while its alive that is grotesque. Why does one have to put an animal through such suffering before slaying it?
I bet it has something to do with the quality of the fur. Maybe the trauma caused by death lowers the quality or something.
^Most definetly...they beat seals to death with a batt...a bullet damages the fur..

Electrocution fries the fur, batting each animal would take too much time, gassing costs way too much...those sickos don't have a heart.
Hah Josty that famous video of a seal being beaten to death with a bat
made Norwegians reaaally unpopular at a time. Some psychos even think
Keiko chose to die in Norway since some people far up north hunt whale at times.

Aaaanyways, I think this video is utterly disgusting and those idiots should be
skinned alive for not killing these poor animals before skinning them. Pure evil...
that skinned racoon or whatever trying to move after he got skinned is so sad.. i really hope those bitches go straight to hell.. why can't they take fur off already dead animals ha? fucking shit.. i feel like beating someone up... :( :( :cry: