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Series 1 and 2

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New Member
Feb 17, 2006
Here! Where else?
Hello everyone!

I'm new here, and let me just say that this site is a wonderful ideea. I didn't know there are so many people interested in these shows.

I see that FG has a very impressive download section, though i haven't seen any of the series 1 and 2 that aired between august 2002 and october 2003.

I did a search before posting but i just didn't get any real results... So i have to rely on your knowledge.

Can anyone point me to where i can get these episodes?
the series 1 & 2 episodes aren't on the site and haven't been seen by many. The easiest way I have found to get them is go to the "Video Offers" section and locate them on someones FTP, or ask for them in the "Video Requests" forums
Re: Series 1 and 2

MindBlank said:
I see that FG has a very impressive download section, though i haven't seen any of the series 1 and 2 that aired between august 2002 and october 2003.
FG 2002 is VERY rare!! They are available only through "Tweeke's FTP" and nowhere else. That FTP is down for the time being so you'll have to wait.

In the meanwhile you can browse the episodes on Tweeke's FTP on this list:
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