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Shoot-Out to big??


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2004

Thanks to Cruzz563 I finished Shoot-Out yesterday evening.

So, some minutes ago i tried to burn it with Nero...
The problem is Nero says the File is too big for the CD-R/there?s not enough space on the CD-R.
I tried two different 700mb CD-Rs and a 800mb CD-R but even with the 800mb/90min CD-R inserted there is not enough space... :?:

The Movie is 721mb avi. (I had to resume several times and downloaded the first 400mb from Zonda?s FTP) Cruzz563?s FTP says the file is 0.69gb...

Any suggestions?

cya & thx
Try RAR'ing it, but it just may be too big. You can fit about a 703 MB file on a CD-R.

And I dunno - does Nero support 800 MB CD-R's?
Re: Shoot-Out to big??


RAR'ing? The thing is, I want to watch the movie on a standalone dvd-player so that's not really an option..:

What about that?

oliB said:
The Movie is 721mb avi. (I had to resume several times and downloaded the first 400mb from Zonda?s FTP) Cruzz563?s FTP says the file is 0.69gb...

Maybe some kind of "error" ocurrred while downloading and as a result I've got this wrong filesize?

u need to rencode the file as a mpeg - use vcd or svcd
No, the file is the incorrect size, it should only be 704MB...redownload it :(
there r 2 versions, 704, VUK's and 698, JW version.
Oh, well Vuk's is the best, and the version Oli has is Bigger than both, maybe he got the mixed up, but I think Zonda got it from me...
actually ive seen both and they are virtually the same.
As I assumed....I'll redownload it. :?

Thanks again to Cruzz563!


I redownloaded it and AGAIN it says 721mb!
The Explorer says 721mb and when I right click on the file and select properties in the new window it says the size is 704mb... :?:
(And it's still too big for Nero)

I had to resume one time but normally that shouldn't matter. :?

Maybe I?ll try downloading it with one of our other PCs...

Oli :|
Who are you getting it from? And it's a single source right, like one person I mean?
Cruzz563 said:
Who are you getting it from?

YOU! :wink:

This time I downloaded Shoot-Out entirely from your FTP. (I had to resume one time because you went offline.)


PS: At this Moment the FTP is offline too, unfortunately. At least the epsiodes work fine. :)
Ok, I turned back on, and I see you're only getting half the max speed, so you can open up another connection and get something else too, since all you can get per connection if half. :mrgreen:
Ahh...nice 2 know. Thanks! :)
(I thought you may have limited your upload because your pc is the FTP.)
