In Northern VA a condo, yes a condo...costs $500,000. You don't even want to know what a single family house costs, yet alone renting a place to live
BlaRo said:So let me get this straight. He's a relatively well-off college grad, with strong IT training, a decent job, an expensive condo, some babes, and a Viper. Oh, and he just happens to be in debt up to his eyeballs, like that commercial for something or rather.
Rather than take the obvious, actually effective solution, like sell the Viper, his pride and joy, quote "This Viper is the only thing I have to show for all the work I've done in my life." , he's going it.
Who is he to think that he will raise 1 million dollars in the destruction of a Viper that would go for at least 70 grand? Even if all those people agree to put down an automotive icon in the most humiliating way possible, they won't pay in bulk, but rather one at a time, with an indefinite time span. He may get 10 dollars today from some fellow sadistic bastard, but where will that 10 dollars go? To feed him, to pay his bills, to supply his babes with sex toys, etc. And he'll still be in debt.
And what self-respecting company wants to associate themselves with this shady get-rich scheme? If GM or Ford or IBM or McDonald's or Coca-Cola or even Joe's Bar or any other company donates money to this guy, I'll eat my face.
If it's "the only thing I have to show for all the work I've done in my life", then it says a lot about his life that he's going to throw it all away in some dubious get-rich scheme.
This guy's about as much as a car enthusiast as I'm the king of Spain. I hope he gets his Viper stolen. He needs to come here and defend himself.
What's worse is that this morning I read this thread and there were 400 squares sold. Now there's 500. People are actually falling for this... (Or he's making it up. Humans can't possibly thatstupid, can they?)
pdanev said:^ Worked hard...riiight! A guy that probably didn't graduate yet, 23years olds, driving a viper, paying fuel cost, insurance, taxes, maintainance etc! Are you seriously suggesting that he worked for this, legally, on his own, entirely to raise all this money for the car and maintain it???
PS: If he managed to get the amount for a viper at the age of 23, he could wait a few more years, and easily get 500k. But this obviously isn't the case.
MXM said::lol: was better At least money went to good cause... kinda
I can't imagine why people would pay to see someone's car being destroyed. But well, all kind of people use internet, apparently there are idiots who find it enjoyable and worth their money...
Apparently some people think that any stupid idea will sell on the internet because it's original. It well may, for a while. But this kind of stuff is getting old. Do something more radical. How about you jump off the bridge if people will donate 500k$? Or just cut off your arm, live, if you don't want something that extreme I'm sure there's audience willing to pay somewhere.
Before posting a book, you may have wanted to read the SITE to get the story.
He's a 23 year old kid that spent all the money he saved and worked hard for to buy his dream car. He has a dream for a business (a bar) that he wants to open...and needs over $500,000 as start-up costs....obviously being 23, he doesn't have that kind of money. So he came up with this very clever idea and RISKING his own dream car for the chance to have his business.
BlaRo said:Who is he to think that he will raise 1 million dollars in the destruction of a Viper that would go for at least 70 grand?