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So who actually works in the foodservice industry?


Active Member
Aug 18, 2006
1998 Integra GS
I just wondered how many finalgear members work in the foodservice or hospitality industry.
I started as a prep cook, worked my way up to working production, then to assistant manager at a small cafe, and now I'm trying serving at a pretty large chain with the goal of working my way into management here. My eventual goal is to manage or own my own restaurant...I love the interaction with customers, and I love food...
I work at a movie theater, is that close enough? It's kind of crappy to be honest, but half my shifts are in the projection booth which is pretty cool.
I was managing a local restaurant for quite a few years. Also dabbled in starting a restaurant chain with a good friend of mine. It's a ton of work, but rewarding.

What type of restaurant are you interested in??

as a student i've worked in a factory where they make candy?


and i never wanted to work in horeca, as they always have to work when everyone else is having a good time, i would hate that
I worked at McDonald's part-time for a couple of years while I was in high school. It wasn't unbearable but it was a pretty crappy job. At least I never had to buy lunch.

The restaurant was equipped with ABS, which was kind of cool, I have to admit. When it wasn't broken. That was a hell of a lot of machinery to serve a drink....

(Automated Beverage System, what did you think?)
Never have, never will. I see the work that goes into food service and it scares me, and hence I tip very well. I love to cook, but as a job forget about it. The hours, the scrutiny, the low pay all make me think chef might be the worst job on the planet. Working nights and weekends long hours in a hot kitchen, and waking up ass early to score the best produce at the farmers market sounds like a nightmare.
I've worked in canteen's before. Cooking an' baking are hobbies of mine so am pretty sure I wouldn't want to go do it in restaurants or whatever again. I would like to own like a pub or a proper confections/cafe or summat like that but I have the WORST temper an' I do not believe that "the customer is always right."
Robert, I eventually want to own my own restaurant...but I don't really know exactly what sort yet.
Yes, the hours are odd, the work is hard, and at most levels the pay is shit...but I can say something most people can't...I love my job, and I look forward to going to work. That said...most people wouldn't feel the same way about doing what I do. It's a niche that a lot of people try, but few people enjoy.
Robert, I eventually want to own my own restaurant...but I don't really know exactly what sort yet.
Yes, the hours are odd, the work is hard, and at most levels the pay is shit...but I can say something most people can't...I love my job, and I look forward to going to work. That said...most people wouldn't feel the same way about doing what I do. It's a niche that a lot of people try, but few people enjoy.


Formal qualification in Hotel and Catering Ukainia version - you should have something similar I should expect. With this you are armed to work for larger companies in Management/Trainee Management & your experience should be an easy win. ...

Some of these are part time so you can work and study at the same time.


or something like this more a slant to Business. ...

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Ha, the customer is NOT always right.


As the son of barowners I can conclude that most costumers are infact blithering idiots....
I worked at a fast food place for 5 years. It was a White Castle for those who know them. I worked the 11pm to 7:30am shift.

The fun one. :p

After working there, and in retail with customers, and doing tech support over the phone to the public (shudders) I feel that I have served my time and have earned my little spot in heaven no matter what I do in life. :D
i have 20 years in as a chef in the catering field started at 16 doing dishes now lead chef all these years later.
Well I sort of work at McDonalds right now. I wouldn't count it as totally formal experience like catering or being in an actual restaurant. It does sort of count as a food service since there is actual cooking of food, but everything is basically frozen or the sort of things with a lot of preservatives and can sit on a shelf for a year. (Pickles, onions, and some other things)
Haha, "sort of work" there??

I know McD's isn't good for me, but I love the Big Macs. Ate 5 once, true story.

Yeah, it's a sort of type of thing. I only work a few hours a week right now. (About 10 or so, but I don't mind since I wanted something between 10-15 hours a week.)

I mainly only grill things and fry things when I have the ability (aka time).

Wow, 5 of them at once. I can barely eat a regular hamburger at any place, let alone 5.
Was a line cook for a while at a pretty large local seafood restaurant. We had a lot of tour groups coming through, especially in the summer. They always had a set menu (salmon, rice, veggies or chicken, rice, veggies), and I was responsible for prepping the veg. I remember cutting 200lbs of carrots each day into gum-strips for about 2-3 weeks straight.......ugh.