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Today I went to a Slalom-cup with local Porsche-club and took some pictures. I wasn't going to post them, but Josty said over MSN that they're nice and that I should. So there it goes, it's a car-forum after all, so some of you might be interested Click for bigger.
All top places were pretty close. But 944 Turbo won The one in last pic. It has some modifications + good driver. 2nd was an older 911 (964 if I remember correctly) and third a 993. But that's with time-modifiers to even everyones chance, I don't exactly remember what were the original times, but I'm sure 944T would be in top3 anyway. 993 looked great though, very stable.
Jos, no, that video was not from this event. I have one or two crappy videos (took them with photo-camera) from yesterday though, I'll see if it will fit in ISP:s server.. I wont repack it obviosly
It's the winner car, so you will not hear much skidding noises and tyre smoke, because that's the fastest way But I was drifting half of the track :lol:
Notice how front air-splitter hits the ground at the beginning
if you ever get the chance to take a cayenne turbo on the track, do so. sure it is no 911 turbo, but it does better than quite a few sports cars out there.