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"Some say......"

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Forum Addict
May 29, 2004
Since there was a discussion about if the writer or the script is a 'genius' or not, let's see if you guys are better than him.

Post your "Some Say" lines here..


"Some say he likes to poke himself in the eye with a sharp stick, only thing we know is, that he's called the Stig.

It's lame, but now you guys, especially Indoctrine, the Jamesdefender. ;)
"some say my stig introductions suck and i should look for another way to announce him"

"So, we needed to hand it over to our tame racing driver. Some say, he walks on water and that he drinks 100 octane fuel, all we know is, he's the Stig"

Woo! 100 posts! :cheers:
Well My point in the previous thread was not that the introduction lines were not genious (although they are not) my opinion is that the set formula of always announcing him the same way is boring and predictable...

Id you look at the first series (which I'm sure everyone here has) they were more "unstructured" then, I liked that. Nowadays everything on the show is highly structured, the show followes the same segment division all the time and the stiggy announcement is just unimaginative to always have it the same way...

So I am not saying that I could to better, all I am saying is that I wish for some variety. Just because Top Gear is the best show on earth does not mean that it cannot (or should not) be critisised for falling "into a rut".
mmap said:
Well My point in the previous thread was not that the introduction lines were not genious (although they are not) my opinion is that the set formula of always announcing him the same way is boring and predictable...

Id you look at the first series (which I'm sure everyone here has) they were more "unstructured" then, I liked that. Nowadays everything on the show is highly structured, the show followes the same segment division all the time and the stiggy announcement is just unimaginative to always have it the same way...

So I am not saying that I could to better, all I am saying is that I wish for some variety. Just because Top Gear is the best show on earth does not mean that it cannot (or should not) be critisised for falling "into a rut".

IMO, if you say something is bad, give an alternative or say what needs to be done to make it better.
Jostyrostelli said:
IMO, if you say something is bad, give an alternative or say what needs to be done to make it better.

what about "let's give it to the stig"
or "lets see what the stig does on the track"
"time for the stig to make a lap"

nice and simple, and there won't have to come a fake laugh from the audiance, it's so obvious no one of them finds them funny, but they have to laugh
The name's INDOCHINE, not indoctrine ;)

I understood mmap's point and that's my opinion too, but I also think that Josty has a point in asking for our ideas (and also that it'll be a good laugh to read others jokes), so here's my twopennethworth.

It's now time to hand it over to our (quite frankly) rabid racing driver. Some say that his underpants are made of Kevlar, others say that he's phobic about Rich Tea biscuits, all I know is, he's called The Stig.
Jostyrostelli said:
IMO, if you say something is bad, give an alternative or say what needs to be done to make it better.

Aaah, you're asking for constructive critisism :)

No, unfrtunately I only like to critisise...

But seriously, I'm beginning to think they are running out of ideas for different ways of doing things and have taken the "easy way" of doing as they have "always done"

As a further symptom, have a look at jeremy article on the M5 on the sunday times, then look at the review and then read his article on the latest issue of TG mag, all three are saying the same thing (and not even in a different way) seems like a really cheap and easy solution to me, if you have nothing new to say then perhaps say nothing, or do something different... As with the stig introduction, if you cannot come up with anything else then give it up, don't repeat the same over and over again. Just because they say somethign different between "some say.... all we know.." does not make it an original thing, its repetitive and becoming boring really fast.
Sorry Indochine ;)

@Bone: Didn't they already do that previous to this? I agree this is repetitive but it's not as repetitive as On this Bombshell.

I think they've done this, because you simply can't enough (good) oneliners to fill all shows...

Now there's still a surprise, what will "Some say"?

Mmap: Yeah constructive critisism, it's the same as telling someone he is annoying, but don't tell him what is annoying about him.
Well yes, but this is only my opinioin... As such needs no justification nor does it imply that I could do better. It is just how I feel.
Nor worries Josty, just call me E~I !!!

Can I just say that JC isn't the only one to do that. Today's JM column in the Daily Telegraph is a complete rehash of the dangerous pasty story. I've noticed that twice recently, a description of his cat has appeared word for word in both TG mag and the 'graph and part of the review on the Aston convertible a couple of issues ago has also been nabbed from the paper.
E~I said:
It's now time to hand it over to our (quite frankly) rabid racing driver. Some say that his underpants are made of Kevlar, others say that he's phobic about Rich Tea biscuits, all I know is, he's called The Stig.

:lol: That was quite a good one.

btw, I've actually found the "some say" introductions funnier after I found out people thought they were annoying.
holy bump batman

what are you doing browsing through posts made in 2005?
FOUR YEARS! That's gotta be some sort of record around here.
We really need to start making people do lines of the rules before they can post:

"I must not bump old threads unless it is important and relevant,
I must not bump old threads....."

About 50 lines of each rule should do it. Excessively bad grammar means you have to do them again.

Enjoy your red blob, it'll probably hang around for a while :rolleyes:
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FOUR YEARS! That's gotta be some sort of record around here.

Could be...

This thread reminds me that I miss Josty.
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