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Sorry, another xvid playback problem.


New Member
Nov 23, 2004
Hey everyone.

Im trying to watch the 21/11/2004 Top Gear episode in media player 9 but I just get sound. Ive downloaded and installed the xvid codec linked to from this site but still no luck. Ive also tried the newest codec from the xvid site. I uninstalled the codec and reinstalled but this didnt work either.

When trying to play the vid, media player tries to download an appropriate codec but returns a message: "Error Downloading Codec".

Do I need to restart my computer before it works perhaps? Ive not tried this as im downloading stuff. :)

Please help!

Re: Sorry, another xvid playback problem.

donbellioni said:
Hey everyone.

Please help!


You're not the only one. I experienced the exact same thing.
There's probably something wrong with the encodeing. (or perhaps
the file was encoded with a less common codec)

However, I was able to play it perfectly using VideoLAN player.
Download it at this website: http://www.videolan.org/

Hope this helps! :)
The answer to any playback or codec problems is: download VLC Media Player!

Feel free to mess around with codecs, but if you just want to watch the show, as Af250xxl said, just go to http://www.videolan.org/ and download VLC.
Dont like vlc, fair enough, it gives me some issues when moving an open video from one monitor to another.

Try doing a search for the defiler codec pack. Install that and it should fix most issues.
actually for me i just have the divx and xvid codecs installed and i play off of winamp. i havent had any probs so far
GSpot says I have 2 compatible codecs installed for both audio and video. :(
Also tried winamp but same thing happens as with media player - theres only sound!

Downloaded VLC and it works with no hastle at all....magic!

Thanks for the help guys.
I have the same problem. I can watch all xvid movies/series, only this (21/11) Top Gear says "Bad xvid codec". And i dont want to install that VLC, that fucks up your codecs...
Maybe a reencode (proper) with a decend xvid codec?
Works fine here...

Are you running a recent version of XviD?
Viper007Bond said:
Works fine here...

Are you running a recent version of XviD?
The latest koepi build offcourse. And all xvid movies released by groups (like DMT, DEiTY, ALLiANCE, etc) work just fine...

I'll point out this thread to the guy that made the rip for me.
use Nic's Mini AviC FourCC Changer.

Set FourCC Description Code to DIVX
Set FourCC Used Codec to DX50
push Apply , Quit

And now it will work!
There are (in my opinion) 4 ways of making all your movies work:

1. Codecs packs. Easy great as long as they work and you should only install one codec pack , installing more than one is begging for trouble.

2. Install every codec by yourself. This might be the best way and should get the best out of the movies but it's very much work. There are tons of codecs out there but for all computer nerds out there this is the solution. (I've quit doing this one, to much work)

3. Install VideoLAN/VLC. This little program has everything you need, there are some drawbacks, some people are having trouble and it can not play every codec.

4. Install ffdshow. This is a codec pack and it's not. It's a combination of codecs, filters etc, you will have the strengths of the codecs packs and will not have the drawbacks. Plays almost everything. You find it here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53761&package_id=59355&release_id=274595

PS. Everyone not using VLC should consider using Quicktime Alternative and Real Alternative which are great substitutes of the original programs without the drawbacks of having to use their players... DS.
Necromancy is frowned upon in most societies :lol: I doubt they still are waiting for a solution to their playback issues.
Oh dear goodness, this has to be in the top 5 oldest threads to be bumped :lol:
