Special education teacher gets no pay after paying for benefits,

I'm currently without insurance, I qualify for state provided insurance however I generally see myself as using such systems as only a last resort. So start looking into some various private insurance packages. Holy cow, even the bottom of the barrel minimal coverage for dental and medical is stupidly expensive. I'm a 25 years old, no health issues, no past history, and on no medications. And I cannot afford health insurance. I'd have to quit school and work full time to afford it. The states insurance is much more comprehensive too. Better just-about-everything. So I'm chopping up my "extras" in life, selling my car, changing gym membership to a lower priced place. Tighten up on other expenses, take more in school loans in order to pay for it.

Something needs to happen in this country....
Ah, but this is Romneycare. It's been around for a while and is restricted to MA. It has caused healthcare and insurance costs in MA to skyrocket.
Got something to back that up? Massachusetts had the highest per-capita healthcare cost in the US before reform. They probably still do, because rates across the US have continued to explode. The only thing that will substantially bring costs down in this country is a switch to universal healthcare, not this hybrid clusterfuck.

Already paid for =/= zero.
Well one way or another, the UK spends less than half as much money per capita (or as a percentage of GDP) on healthcare as the US does.
I don't know how significantly, but yes it did in fact go up. My mother was on private insurance until the reform hit and then she could no longer afford it. What happened was the insurance started requiring some things, like prescription coverage, on all insurances. It does not however mandate how much it covers. The price went up a decent chunk and it didn't cover her prescriptions at all. The whole health system is a bunch of stupid loopholes like that and it has made me very bitter about it.
The whole health system is a bunch of stupid loopholes like that and it has made me very bitter about it.
That's perfectly understandable. Most of the reports I read on the MA reform (even those from MA Health and Human Services) say the program still needs a lot of work. Unfortunately there's no legislative appetite for it, since the fed and most states are pointlessly (and destructively) pursuing austerity. The ACA will provide a lot more assistance to lower and middle income families than the MA reform, however I don't know when it kicks in. 2014 maybe?

I'm interested in how Vermont's little single-payer experiment will work, but even that won't start until 2017. It's a damn shame that this sort of thing takes so long. At least some states are being proactive on the matter instead of just accepting exploding healthcare costs.
You should just have deleted the passages about age in the Medicare Bill.
That would of made far to much sense.
I am guessing what they are trying to do is aim for adequate for the average person instead of actually covering enough for everyone, so you will get a very limited amount of things and doctors covered all of which is very average and perfectly fine for most people. This will keep the majority of the population happy and will be enough to re-elect all the politicians who put it though and remain cost effective.