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Specific torrent feeds


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
United States
Audi A4
Is there any way to add a feed to uTorrent only for the 720p version of Top Gear UK?
I know there is a feed for all 720p content, but I'm really only interested in Top Gear.
Most BitTorrent clients, using uTorrent, have the ability to only download from a list of favorites (i.e. matching certain titles).

In uTorrent, edit the feed and set it to NOT download all new items. Then view the feed in uTorrent, right-click a Top Gear episode, and select add to favorites.

You can manage this favorites list by right-clicking the feed and selecting "RSS Downloader".

Some details here: http://forums.finalgear.com/the-site-itself/utorrent-rss-feed-guide-28795/
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