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Spot Them Beater Cars


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
New Hampshire
'91 Sentra SE-R, 2003 Triumph Speed Triple 955i
Here's a thread I figured might take off, might not. Post photos of your own car that looks, well, homely. Or, photos of beater cars you've found on the street. Hey, they aren't junk piles, they just have character. ;)




The above and below happen to be the same car in different stages of disrepair.





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Classic student car:



"PURPLE ARMY" ... yeah, sure. :D

Greetings, lip
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I was thinking more toward cars that have lots of "character" and are still being driven around. CrazyRussian540 and lip have the idea.
Well, here in Germany the the real beaters are withdrawn after 2 years at the latest since the german T?V (technical inspection agency) would decommission them immediately, let alone the police when they see one of them driving.
Well, here in Germany the the real beaters are withdrawn after 2 years at the latest since the german T?V (technical inspection agency) would decommission them immediately, let alone the police when they see one of them driving.

Similar here in England, the Annual Safety Inspection (MOT) kills off all the old automotive horrors from the roads.

The Cops will pull over and ticket anything that?s got fenders or bumpers missing or hanging off. If it?s a real PoS, they will impound it there & then. :)
Similar here in England, the Annual Safety Inspection (MOT) kills off all the old automotive horrors from the roads.

The Cops will pull over and ticket anything that?s got fenders or bumpers missing or hanging off. If it?s a real PoS, they will impound it there & then. :)

I wonder what they would have done to my friend who had just ricocheted his Impreza off of three trees at 50mph and tried to drive it home. I've got all of the photos between what I showed above to prove it, but that's a story for a better day. :lol:
There's a proper thread for this car:


No one will ever steal that thing. Ever. Or maybe he gets a perverse thrill out of driving it? "It's two ugly shades of green! Yeah, you gotta look at it, loser!"

I dunno...
No one will ever steal that thing. Ever. Or maybe he gets a perverse thrill out of driving it? "It's two ugly shades of green! Yeah, you gotta look at it, loser!"

I dunno...

Yeah, that was latex house paint on that thing. Looked to be brushed, not rolled on as well.
Seen last summer in France. Still had number plates and was parked in a public parking space.


Greetings, lip
I've always wondered how far you can take a CRX in terms of bits rusting off, while still driving it.
Seen last summer in France. Still had number plates and was parked in a public parking space.


Greetings, lip

If it has a manual transmission, I would be proud to drive that car. :mrgreen:

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Yeah, that was latex house paint on that thing. Looked to be brushed, not rolled on as well.

I knew a guy who did that to his truck. Claimed that when he sanded and buffed it, you'd never know it was house paint. Of course, he and his brother were members of the Brotherhood of the White Sheet, so his judgement was poor to say the least.