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Spot Them Beater Cars

Seen today:
Bruised Ford Cougar with both rear tires gone. He reacted with "I know"-gestures when I pointed towards his wheels, but driving around like that is very risky and is just asking for a hefty fine and further problems when he gets spotted by the police.


Well, that ends the thread. You win.
That's not a beater, it's a write-off.; a beater is still being used as a car.
Bit of carbage (Imapala/Bel Air front on a pickup, those sideskirts, covered rear wheels), bit of beater (or is that two-tone paintjob intentional?)...

Do we need to have a talk about the difference between a Beater and Scrap?
Eh, at least it isn't one of those showroom models that never leave the garage. Still, I wish it was taken better care of. The color is gorgeous and it really fits the car.
Mr. The Orange Peel Esq. has seen some shit.

Another one today:

Something has gnawed on it, I'd recommend checking the garage basement for monsters...

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Oh wow, even in my travels in the north of the US I don't believe I have seen one quite this rusty. Often these type of truck are used in the winter as plow trucks. So they work 3-4 months out of the year in very salty conditions.

^How is that road worthy?

Depending on the state, there are no annual safety inspections. Michigan is one without safety inspections. Some of the vehicles I have seen up there were just down right criminal to think they were safe to drive.
Even without inspections, the cops are surely going to pull something over that's clearly a wreck. Aren't they?!

It's the sharp edges that would get you in this country, technically the tyres are still covered... sort of. Integrity of the doors on something that old isn't really seen as a safety matter, ask me how I know. :p
Even without inspections, the cops are surely going to pull something over that's clearly a wreck. Aren't they?!

I have no experience with this, I would assume (yes, I know) there are regulations as to what sort of condition a vehicle should be in, but it may be that as long as the lighting works, there's nothing that can be said about the condition of the body or frame. We need a US northerner to chime in here.