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Star Trek: Picard

How does Discovery fit into that order, given it was released after the list was made. It should be pretty early in there, but does it matter much with the mirror university and all?
Discovery slots in between the first pilot ("The Cage" feat. Pike - not broadcast in the 60s) and proper Kirk TOS. Since Discovery heavily relies on Talos IV and the things that happen there, this distinction is important.
So basically one should start with Discovery and then work off that list. Well, discarding the discarded pilot.
Watching the discarded pilot really helps with Discovery. It gives an in-timeline glimpse at the OMG THEY ARE GOING TO THALOS IV moment you got having watched all Trek before.

EDIT: Also, the timeline in the article moves Enterprise almost all the way to the end; probably because it played fast and lose with the canon to a degree that makes it apocryphal. But if you want to stay with the in-universe timeline, you'll have to Quantum Leap into Enterprise first.
You mean the 2009ish enterprise as a starting point then? I don't know.. I feel starting with TOS just feels "right" even if it's out of order..
You mean the 2009ish enterprise as a starting point then? I don't know.. I feel starting with TOS just feels "right" even if it's out of order..
I mean the 2001-ish Enterprise with Scott "Quantum Leap" Bacula as Captain Archer. Your feeling basically echoes the sentiment of the article linked above.
I dreamt that I woke up this morning to Patrick Stewart's obituary.

Thankfully it was just a dream.
Meanwhile I'm almost done with season 3 TOS. Thinking I'm going to skip TAS just like the first time I tried to go through ST.
Finished TOS S3 and went straight into The Motion Picture. I find it funny how in the 10 years between the two, you lost all the goofy colorful walls and big buttons on the Enterprise in favor of a more silver/black/beige sci-fi look. Same goes for the uniforms. And putting blue glow on the warp nacelles instead of the disco light show on the leaking face. Gotta stick with whats cool for the times, I guess.
As far as TOS movies goes, you are not going to get much from 3, 4, and 5. Those 3 movies only serve to (spoiler ahead) bring Spock back, make jokes about LA in the 80s, and I don't know what they were trying with 5.
I think Star Trek 4 is pretty solid as far as eco-conscious comedy goes.

EDIT: AFAIK Nimoy got the director's role on ST:4 as a condition of him coming back as Spcok, so ST:5 was about letting Shatner direct in order to treat him equl to Nimoy. That was the film's only purpose, and it shows.
Yes, 4 was funny, and the save the Earth message, but it does not really add much to the history.

Five was trying to be some sort of Atheist message, but as an Atheist, I even admit it fell flat.

Three really only had two things besides Spock coming back. Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon, and the death of Kirk's son. Six has what you need to know covered on that.
I've seen the movies before, just going through it all again before Picard. Really been powering through, finished the Kirk movies, and already on episode 2 of Enterprise.
Was flipping through Prime this morning and was reminded that there was Star Trek: The Animated Series, and I wonder why it was not included in this list. If it is not seen as part of the timeline, it should be noted.

Maybe they're going just by live action? I personally could not go through TAS because it was so awful.

Anyways, currently blasting through Enterprise. Just went through the Borg episode and I feel like they ruined some of the continuity for the TNG Borg encounters.
I was mostly just thinking out loud, so I agree. Even as a kid I knew they were terrible.

I am on season 5 of TNG, but I will watch a few movies from that generation too. I may watch a bit of Voyager too, but I have not seen all of them in the first place. Beyond that, I am not watching Discovery, I will either enjoy Picard, or not.
Was flipping through Prime this morning and was reminded that there was Star Trek: The Animated Series, and I wonder why it was not included in this list. If it is not seen as part of the timeline, it should be noted.

I remember it vaguely. It was pretty awful, very low budget, typical early 70s animation from the company Filmation, but did have the original cast supplying the voices.
Yes, I agree. I only seen a few episodes as a kid. Never went back for more, or even thought about it until I seen it listed on Prime.,