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Stem cell research (SP?)


Forum Addict
May 26, 2004
hong kong
what are your views?

i think as long as the embrio is not old enough to feel pain or other similar simulates than its fine.

i mean if it can save a living person why not
Stem cell research can do amazing things for all of us.

This should be in the Political Discussion forum though :).

And I'm for it.

Go Arnold! :thumbsup:
No, it's completely different.
Are you sure ?. I'm pretty certain that stem cells are gained from embryos. If that's the case both topics are related.
Yeah, stem cells are the cells in an embryo. They can form any kind of organ, so manipulation of stem cells is often used to make new skin for people who'have burns or maybe to make a new kidney.

With Cloning you take a cell and take out the DNA and put it in an egg to furtilize for example. All genetical stuff...
Yeah, stem cells are the cells in an embryo.

Are you certain ? I dont know the correct english expression, but aren't stem cells gained from a pre-embriotic form ?
Well as far as I know (I only had a few years biology):
The difference between a stem-cell and a normal cell is:
A normal cell can only reproduce itself, so it can only make one kind of organ per type of cell. A stem-cell can become ANY organ.

You have 2 types of stem-cells:
Embryonic and "adult"
The embryonic stem-cells are there in the first days/week of the embryo, then it will form something.
"Adult" stem-cells:
Everybody has these cells (as far as I know, every normal person)
These cells are like back-up cells, they "repair" your body. If you get ill or have injuries the adult stem-cells will "repair" it.

And for the record I'm pretty sure about this: Stem-cells are USED to clone..if you clone you mess with the stem-cells. So actually this thread should merge into the existing... ;)

If you're all interested I could do some more research, I have books about it.

But expect an essay like tje previous time, which most/some of you won't bother to read ;)
Yes, stem cells are used for cloning. But they can be used for WAY more than that.

Pretty sure gene therapy uses stem cells, but I could be wrong.
To sum it up - stem cells are cells who haven't been told what to do - they are unspecialized.

The debate is how stem cells are to be obtained, should human embryos be created just for the purpose of obtaining these cells? Or should they be taken from somewhere else?

I don't think cloning is such a big issue since nothing has been successfully cloned (read about Dolly).
Aren't stem cells taken from a bone marrow?
zyran said:
Aren't stem cells taken from a bone marrow?
99% sure that they aren't.
I was watching discovery the other day and they said they took the stem cells from some guys bone marrow to heal his injured heart.
*shrug* I'm no doctor.
Mr Research: Stem cells are found in human bone marrow or blood, and the umbilical cord blood of a newborn baby.
Okay I'll straighten this up as well revive an old thread.

There are two types of stem cells. Adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells are found in the bone marrow on humans and are used to make Red and White Blood Cells, they can be used for some other things but they have genetic code inside of them, therefore they are semi-stem cells if you would.

Embryonic stem cells on the other hand are like a clean slate, these cells can differentiate into whatever they are needed to be, thats why they are so valuable and useful to the medical field.

I support Stem Cell Research 100%. This is why: there are so many stem cells available that will never be used. This is the case becuase this is what happens.

Lets say a couple wants to have a baby but they cannot, they must use invitro fertilization. So they goto a doctor, the doctor gets the male's sperm and the female's eggs. Then they indroduce the sperm and eggs together in a pteri dish, eventually you end up with lets say 30 zygotes(fertilized eggs). Then the docotor takes about 5 zygotes and implants them into the female's uterus and hooray they have a baby. The remaining 25 zygotes are stored and frozen just in case the couple wants to have another baby. Lets say the couple does want to have another baby, so the doctor gets the zygotes, implants another 5 into the female and hooray! another baby. This leaves us with 20 zygotes or embryos if you would. The couple then decides that they do not want to have anymore children. So that is 20 embryos which can be used to work with stem cells quite easily. But this form of invitro fertilization occurs many times every year in the US alone, leaving us with millions of embryos that could be used in stem cells research. MILLIONS of embryos that nobody wants, they will just be thrown out, why not use them for steam cell research?

Also the embryo will feel no pain or anything, as long as it does not pass the first trimester of pregnacy, its fine by me. For viable stem cells to be created the zygote or embryo does not have to mature for very long.

In my mind, its a no-brainer, the embryos are there, why not use them? Nobody else will.
jayjaya29 said:
Okay I'll straighten this up as well revive an old thread.

There are two types of stem cells. Adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells are found in the bone marrow on humans and are used to make Red and White Blood Cells, they can be used for some other things but they have genetic code inside of them, therefore they are semi-stem cells if you would.

Embryonic stem cells on the other hand are like a clean slate, these cells can differentiate into whatever they are needed to be, thats why they are so valuable and useful to the medical field.

Read my post, it says exaclty the same..no?
Not really, there are no stem cells found in the umbilical cord of a baby, stem cells are created way before the umbilical cord is ever needed.
jayjaya29 said:
Not really, there are no stem cells found in the umbilical cord of a baby, stem cells are created way before the umbilical cord is ever needed.

Have you studied Medical?

If I search on google I find this:


www.news-medical.net said:
Stem cells derived from umbilical cords are a viable and effective transplant source for thousands of leukemia patients