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Taxi (the movie)


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2004
Okay I was bored today and unlike usually in situations like this I did not venture into the porn sites but went to apple.com instead and low and behold there was a seemingly interesting trailer there. Interested, I opened the link and ohhh the HORROR when I saw what it was!

Considering the type of people hanging around in a forum like this I am assuming that most of us like car movies? As such we have at least heard of the French car movie "classic" called taxi. The french did a good job doing the (original) movie (less said a bout the sequels the better) it had a nice car (pug 406) that had received the "go faster" mods and generally there was lots of driving around really fast in it. Fun, right? and I at least enjoyed it quite a bit.

But now.... the americans have gone and done it for sure, they have made a remake of this classic movie where QUEEN LATIFAH of all the people is the taxi driver and the taxi is a Ford Crown Victoria with spoilers etc. on it.

HORRID, oh the humanity WHY, why, why in the name of all that's holy and good on this wee planet of ours would someone even imagine making a movie like this WHY!!!!!!

Go and see the trailer and let me know if I am the only one who cares :shock:
hmm I saw all the french Taxi ones the 1-2-3 an they were pretty good and funny. Never heard of that remake though..

but if it's american and the taxi is a crown victoria.. I won't even bother watching the trailer! :roll:
I've seen Taxi 2-3 never seen the original. And the new Taxi movie with Queen Latifah is just a rip off. I don't know if they can but the French should sue them.