This is a link to a Dutch website, but I think it's an older forum thread. They are arguing about the tests in Zolder of an Audi RS8, to be seen or not from a public road.
This is a more accurate link from today, about some stuff happening in Zolder.
Check it out:
Interesting is this img:
The upper car is for steering. The car down only has the pedals. The steering colon goes through the cars, all the way down.
I've sent a mail to ViperBond007 about it some minutes ago (he posted here afterwards (check above)):
I'm a very big fan from Belgium, and some interesting news came to me today, may the 22th, on a Belgian radio post.
Seems like the complete Top Gear-crew were filming on a closed set on the circuit of Zolder, here in Belgium.
It was a closed set, but James May and Jeremy Clarckson were present.
They were doing something with "doubledecker" cars (like a Mercedes with the frame of al Golf welded on top of it).
At first they let seem that they had rescheduled, but it has been confirmed that the whole Top Gear-BBC-crew where present this morning.
Check it out, it should be great fun to see what they were on about.
Greets from Antwerp, Belgium to you all.
see: -"