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TG Season preview / Revamped!


Sep 27, 2004
Stavanger, Norway
Okay so here's the deal, we were all a bit disappointed by this years
season preview on TopGear, right? Or perhaps it was only me. Anyways,
I just thought that it was too slow and dull, it needed a higher pace. So,
geekish and sad as I am, I did a little re-edit of the whole thing. It took me
about 30 minutes so I won't cry if you don't like it, I mainly did it to
"please my own needs" (okay that sounded weird).

Not sure if this is more fit in the TopGear-general forum, but heck. Move it
if you want :D

Here's the file:

- 6mb d/l. I'm probably going to run out of bandwith so if someone who
likes it wants to host it I'll be very happy :)
Hmm sound has issues but that might be the encoding.

Overall I like the song (what is it?) and the video flows well with it, but it's way too fast, we can't see what's going on, it makes me want to hit the pause button to slow it down...

Also not a fan of the jerky moves, makes me think it's my comp that fucks up :lol:
^ have to agree on that, it's too fast now, What's the point in having the preview if you can't understand anything in it, but the video is good ... nice synchronization of the sound with video.

What is that song btw, I want it.
Okay so now I've come to the conclusion that you all obvieusly prefer male genitals
and that your brain has to much oestrogen to take in all this pictorial-information at
such speeds... :lol:
I frankly like the original. Your's is kinda outta order and almost too fast changing to keep up / realize what it is.

Sorry. :?
We all agree Rob D kicks @ss- anybody have the album? Id love to get my hands on "Speed Me Towards Death" aka the DB9 race theme.

Ive been searching forever for it.... :cry:
Ah the popping and ratling of the sound almost broke my ears! I cant see whats better with this video, and whats with the 10 second blank screen at the start? I understand building up the tension with the music but still it would be nice to actually watch and see something.
Danny Tran said:
We all agree Rob D kicks @ss- anybody have the album? Id love to get my hands on "Speed Me Towards Death" aka the DB9 race theme.

Ive been searching forever for it.... :cry:

Me too, I couldn't find it
I liked the video, your one was nice for style but didn't show as much as the origional.
Yes it doesn't show as much as the original, but that was deliberate.
That's what was so cool about the preview from last fall, it was more of
a tease. So I made this into more of a teaser. I can see that it's too fast for
many people, but then again I do a lot of editing so I don't need so much
time to pick up images. Thanks for the comments though :)

Oh and Danny, I found the song on Limewire, and d/l it too!
well if it was meant as a tease then I think it worked, and although people were complaining about the jerky movies, it is one of the effects that is often used in top gear so it fitted