The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for not making a bit of sense.

Banned for thinking I would name myself after some obscure band and not after the Zeus-like God in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series (probably where the band got their name in the first place).

Gah! Banned for beating me to a ban!
Banned for being named (indirectly) after a small river in Somerset.
Banned because I LOVE SOMERSET!!
Banned for being a honda whore!
Banned because multiplying your post number by your join date, then dividing that by the year of your car, then dividing the resulting quotient by your post count(7255 at the time of this post) gives you 53(rounded), which is greater than your age by a factor of 21, which is one more than the age of your car(and me too). You failed at making a mathematical anomaly. BANNED.
Banned for thinking that I would waste time while at work. I am a model employee, damnit.
Banned for being a model employee. Rage against the machine people!
Banned for cops orchestrating a riot at the 2000 democratic national convention.
Banned for owning a car that reminds me of Mopar Man!
Banned for mentioning mopar man!
Banned for shifting the future instead of going back to it. So make like a tree, and get out of here! :p
"Leave! It's 'Make like a tree and leave!' You sound like a damn moron when you say it the other way"

Banned for being Biff.
Banned for me not remembering who said that quote!?!
Banned for becoming a global mod and not abusing power even slightly
Banned for unintelligible Binary.

Banned for me not remembering who said that quote!?!
Back to the Future II
It was Biff from 2015 when he went back to Nov 5, 1955 in the DeLorean. He said it to himself when he was sitting in his black '46 Ford Convertible.