The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for not telling him that it's a rubbish username, and that Nereid was better, and that he also smells funny, and that he looks weird, and that... (continues rambling for 10 minutes)... and that his donkey looks more like a horse, and that he couldn't solve the Schr?dinger wave equation blindfolded, and that his accuracy with a bow and arrow is less than 1%...
Banned for not telling him that it's a rubbish username, and that Nereid was better, and that he also smells funny, and that he looks weird, and that... (continues rambling for 10 minutes)... and that his donkey looks more like a horse, and that he couldn't solve the Schr?dinger wave equation blindfolded, and that his accuracy with a bow and arrow is less than 1%...

Banned for insulting my bow and arrow capabilities. :mad:

And banned Final Daihatsu for being a conformist with names.
Banned for banning 2 people at once. You must be at least level 31 to do that.
An awesome group of awesomeness? And you're behind me? Banned!
You're all banned for annoying me. And yes, I can do it, I'm better than level 31
Banned for failure to reach level 1337.
Banned for static
Banned for flashing numbers
Santa is banned because he failed you. You are banned because you think there's nothing to see here.
Banned for having a rep power over 120.
Banned for mentioning the R word.
Banned for thinking that rep is a swear, well rep you motherrepping son of a rep.
Banned for assuming the r-word is a swear, when it is a banned discussion by the Evil Overlord and Lazy Head Dude.
Banned for getting so worked up about it.
Banned for believing my concern was me getting worked up. Don't need my friends getting banned (unless it's me banning them of course)