The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

I have names and emails. And some facebooooooooooks. So banned!
Willingly given by hotties. So no illegalities there. Banned.
That is not a word. Banned.
Yes it is, because you read it and knew what it meant. Therefore it is a word! Ha! Banned.
Wrong. Banned.
You can't argue with me. You're Banned.
Yes I can. Banned.
No, you cannot. Banned people are silent. Ergo, you are silent. Banned.
Then be quiet wench because you are BANNED!
I cannot be silenced, nor banned. I am the one banning you. Goodbye my inebriated apparition. For ever! Banned.
Silence you delusional woman. Banned.
Let's see:
-Usage of "silence" as a command
-Hints of old-style chauvinism


Lightning Count is a real count. That shoots lightning. Banned for being a potential danger to society.
Banned for giving LC a big head. And bugger society, he should've been banned for being a danger to us. Banned.
Everyone needs a bit of danger in their lives! BANNED!
No they don't. Banned.
You need to taste death to know what it means to be alive! BANNED!!
Oh I have tasted. Not a good taste. No one should have to go through that. Banned.
Tasting? What site do you think this is? Food network forums?? Banned.
Tis a figure of speech. If you can't work that out, you shouldn't be here. In fact, I shall assist you to leave. Banned.