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The BBC answers!

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Apr 12, 2005
Mechelen, Belgium
LML Star 150 & Peugeot 207
After sending my complain some days ago, I have just received this (for privacy reasons I have deleted my name and my e.mail ID):

Dear Mr XXX

Thank you for your e-mail to the BBC. I am sorry you were unhappy with the BBC's decision to stop further downloads of the 'Top Gear' programme being made available on www.finalgear.com.

If I may explain, the BBC has NOT asked for the site to be closed down, merely that the downloads section be removed as this is an infringement of the BBC's rights.

The site www.finalgear.com is primarily intended for, and used by, non-UK residents. Those who live in the UK are able to watch Top Gear on a regular basis, as long as they own TV Licence (which every individual must purchase for a fee in order to watch TV).

Non licence-fee payers do not have the right to see any BBC programme unless it is provided by a legitimate source. The BBC is funded by UK residents and depends on sales of programmes overseas to continue the high level of programme investment. It would simply be unfair on the licence-fee payers if the non payers were able to watch BBC programmes also.

I recognise your frustration but even if the programme does not air outside the UK that is no defence for offering unauthorised downloads. The BBC is not singling out www.finalgear.com. The Brand Protection teams at BBC and BBC Worldwide Ltd monitor the web and take appropriate action against any site that offers material that infringes the rights of BBC and BBC Worldwide.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us with the strength of your concerns.


BBC Information

http://www.bbc.co.uk/ - World Wide Wonderland

-----Original Message-----

>{To:} complaintsreply@bbc.co.uk
>{Date:} 03/06/2005
>{CommentType:} Complaint
>{FirstName:} XXX
>{LastName:} XXX
>{Email:} XXX
>{Country:} Europe
>{About:} TV
>{ProgrammeName:} TOP GEAR
>I am from Italy, I really love Top Gear, that program is just sensational! The only way I have to watch it is by downloading the episodes with the help of finalgear.com. Now it seems that you are asking to close down that magnificent website, that, not only provides to the ppl that are outside the UK the episodes just a couple of hours after the airing, but also gather all the TG huge fans (as I am) and gives us a chance to talk about our favorite tv program.
>Please keep finalgear.com up, nobody is making or stealing money with that, it is just the best website for us TG fans living outside the UK and hence not able to watch the show every sunday on TV!!


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For example, here in canada we have a satellite company of theirs (which is still owned by the BBC) called BBC Canada.
They offer all sorts of BBC programmes on that channel ... JUST NOT TOP GEAR. Why are they not doing that ? beats me, because they would get a heck of a lot more subscriptions if they did offer it like on the normal BBC ... plus, they're the ones making the money !!! But I guess they're just too damn dumb to understand the concept.

Same with BBC America and the rest of satellite BBC programmes.
the BBC has thier own reasons

so i guess they are serious and want the downloads shut down...

::cough::its still gunna be one mininova::cough::
mike_tseng said:
::cough::its still gunna be one mininova::cough::

I guess there's no need to cough anymore sinc eit is on the main page :D
of course is not a personal letter... for dozens of e.mail on the very same purpose they probably have sent just one custom answer :)
Shame, but at least they worded their respone in a reasonable manner, and the episodes will still be available elsewhere.. Nobody benefits, we just have to go through a tiny bit more trouble (few more clicks) to get the same. Nice thinking BBC. Still, they have to set precedents.
GraemeH said:
Shame, but at least they worded their respone in a reasonable manner, and the episodes will still be available elsewhere.. Nobody benefits, we just have to go through a tiny bit more trouble (few more clicks) to get the same. Nice thinking BBC. Still, they have to set precedents.

Well, you can still make them availible via IRC... That was convinient as well... And nobody has to know...

In that case, was it wise to link to mininova on the main page? Aren't they going to get in trouble as well when/if the BBC checks back here to see if the downloads are gone? Also, I suppose uknova is next on the list of sites to go... :(
Would it hurt the BBC to have recent episodes of Top Gear shown outside of the UK? I have a feeling it would be a more popular show if it weren't about all the newest cars from four years ago. :roll:

The crappiest part is, we're stuck like this. The BBC can't let this site offer the episodes for download because it's unfair to those in the UK paying the TV License, it doesn't offer the show in America and Canada because the UK car market is too different from the NA car market to make Top Gear a mainstream show, and it can't offer paid downloads of complete episodes of Top Gear to people outside the UK because TG has been exported to other countries (the old, cut up episodes, anyway :thumbsdown:) and a download service would compete with those foreign channels, devaluing BBC's TV packages there.

So the few of us not living in the UK who want full, current episodes of Top Gear are left to either pirate them or wait in hopes of a DVD release (which probably won't be available for purchase outside of the UK and would be region 2 anyway).
SPG900 said:
In that case, was it wise to link to mininova on the main page? Aren't they going to get in trouble as well when/if the BBC checks back here to see if the downloads are gone? Also, I suppose uknova is next on the list of sites to go... :(

I'm sure the BBC aren't the only people that mininova has to worry about. Torrent sites are on a lot of organizations' "hit lists".
there is always mininova, and other torrent areas. And if not that, good old fashioned P2P. Either way this site will go down in Infamy! (if it is taken down that is) :thumbsdown:
someone should ask BBC if its possible to get Top Gear in America...
For the record, there was talk of the presenters re-recording an american version of the program, with essentially the same content, just different words that americans would 'understand' (dont flame me, thast what it said!). I dont know what happened to this though!
bbc said:
Those who live in the UK are able to watch Top Gear on a regular basis, as long as they own TV Licence (which every individual must purchase for a fee in order to watch TV).

REALLY!>???? You have to pay to watch free (well not now) to air TV.

Can't you simply buy an antenna and a TV set and watch BBC?????? :shock:

I can understand BBC world being sold in Pay TV sector but if BBC airing TG in free to air TV than I DO NOT AGREE that we cannot share it.

What in the past when we have VCR passing the TV program that we recorded the other nights?? Downloading is not much different??

:? :? :?

TVB in Hong Kong are doing the same thing. Downloading their TV series overseas is illegal, since they sells their series in video types overseas.

High rise cooperation suck sh :censored: ts!
As much as I am so damn pissed about what has happened, I can see what they mean and they do have legitament reasons:
It would simply be unfair on the licence-fee payers if the non payers were able to watch BBC programmes also.
With that said, it is still unfair that only a nation the size of my penis gets access to the FULL one-hour long show...Viper is simple making it available to us and I can't see whats wrong with that :roll:

The BBC? Nah, try the SOB's from now on.

btw we need more emotions related to death...
LessThanSte said:
For the record, there was talk of the presenters re-recording an american version of the program, with essentially the same content, just different words that americans would 'understand' (dont flame me, thast what it said!). I dont know what happened to this though!

Yes, the discovery channel has bought the rights to it... Therefore the americanized version is still a year behind the UK version.
this really does blow!!!

first, yes its indeed not fair to "licence-fee payers if the non payers were able to watch BBC programmes also" but i dont really think they're complaining (maybe cause they dont know).

But seriously (and im only brainstorming here), cant we find out under what terms and conditions they WOULD be OK with the downloads? im afraid that might mean some sort of pay-per-download, but maybe it won't be a ridiculous amount.

sad day indeed...does anyone know Jeremy's personal cell no. or email addy??? im sure his response would be entertaining if not completely on our side.
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