Alright, took the Neo out with me on a run today. No phone no anything, purely testing out the follow mode. Good news is: it's fairly reliable in the follow mode and I for one can't really outrun it
had two little weird niggles where the drone would start and then act as if it had hit a branch or something (which it hadn't) and basically do a little flip midair, one of which resulted in it looking the exact other way, thus losing sight of me and then just hovering there over a brambly bush (exactly
like this (9:35min), but it only drifted off maybe 5 m for me).
apart from that, it kept following me nicely, even through the woods - but just regular forest paths, fairly wide and well cut, nothing too challenging. going round corners, even abruptly, no issues. whoever's over
on strava (and following
) can peek a few of the resulting videos there (yes, strava video compression is pretty atrocious).
battery life is... ok I guess? Basically exactly what I would expect from an 18-minute-advertised flight time. I was out for a 9 km run with a bunch of quick stops to start / stop the drone and effectively took about 12 minutes of follow-video across 8 flights and quite a lot of drone idle time (i.e. turned on but not flying - it does get noticeably warm, so I expect power consumption to be quite high in that state). back home, battery was at something around 20%, more than enough to still pull all the video across via app/wifi to the phone (good process, nice and snappy, with integrated cropping feature).