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The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures

Well, this let him put it in the fridge, or his dad's car windshield. Also, use the razor blade he used to cut out the paper to cut his wrists.
Quick, someone explain to me why anyone would actually go through the extra trouble to write the text on a separate sheet of paper, cut it out and glue it on the printout like a clich? ransom note instead of just writing on the printout directly.

I call fake.
That sucks, I had a girl friend then who liked that show and he seemed like a pretty nice guy.

a "girlfriend" who likes the show he says :rolleyes: dont worry its cool. Yeah, if you liked the notebook you can use the 'my "gf" made me watch it' but otherwise ure ok with survivor :)
a "girlfriend" who likes the show he says :rolleyes: dont worry its cool. Yeah, if you liked the notebook you can use the 'my "gf" made me watch it' but otherwise ure ok with survivor :)

Haha yeah....I'm not really a big reality show fan but I did watch that season of survivor.
