The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures


Jeff is a boss troll. That'll teach his friends to spell correctly! ...that was the moral of the story, yeah?
Nah, a belt equipped with rocket engines of some kind to facilitate a more rapid pulling-out. And then some explosions. Probably. :lol:

Mythbusters: Any excuse to blow shit up
Looks like kat has been giving lessons!!! :lol:
He apparently sat on the girl and started doing the Bel-Air thing.

Must be an American thing, I thought it was a bit of an anti-climax.
I've seen those scam stories before.. a comedian wannabe starts telling this weird story and ends in that Bel Air tune.. not so loltastic IMO..
Same here. \o/ And it is useful for trying to read through papers when you can't be bothered to flip them over.
Useful if you want to read unopened letters, the newspaper if someone else is reading it opposite to you or not fall into those retatded shirts with sideway's words.
Useful for reading Arabic or Urdu.

Oh wait.
That was great!