The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures

Raccoon and opossum memes are some of my favorite. 🥰
Where do we go from here?

I wonder what voice she uses when talking to herself.
Should I be intrigued or just glad that I don’t know what you’re on about?

That there’s a type of person, women in this case that’s typically a white middle class mother who hasn’t worked for the past 20 years and has this mentality that she should be able to get whatever whenever she wants. If she doesn’t then she puts on this know-it-all tone and asks to speak to a manager to get her way. They typically have a certain hair cut to show you they’re going to be difficult to deal with before you hear them speak.the name Karen has been used to name these type of people.
You’d think it would have clicked sooner, but only after reading your reply did I connect the dots “Karen” and “is now a manager”. Derp. I thought she was some sort of Z-list celebrity.
You’d think it would have clicked sooner, but only after reading your reply did I connect the dots “Karen” and “is now a manager”. Derp. I thought she was some sort of Z-list celebrity.
Don't catch a Karen comparing her to a Z-list celeb, there would be blood. :LOL:

Ok, not that special? But the comment on this post is what made me laugh.

How do you illustrate a fire on a ship if you don’t have a photo? Easy!


Replace the 'car' with a bicycle and swap the dialogue to the other person, still works. :p

Reference to cyclists being seen as annoying to someone at all times - be it a pedestrian, a driver or another cyclist.