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The most disgusting thing ever

Looks like the grandmother of a guy i knew once :p
5 words: Kangaroo anus (Oz, where else) and whale anus (Tennessee...).
Crickets and Orange Beer

Crickets and Orange Beer

One word: balut.

Enough to turn you vegetarian. I've seen it but couldn't possibly try it. One of my friends is of Philippino origin, and loves it - like a normal egg, but crunchy. :blink:

I'll try to get some pics of the Balut, Its duck egg and yes it can turn you to a vegetarian :lol:

My Mom saw this place on TV, where they sell crickets. So me and my friends decided to go and try it.

The restaurant is 'Everybody's Cafe' Located in the Provence of Pampanga, Philippines.


We ordered
"Chicharon Bulaklak" or Crispy Pork Ruffles, "Bulalo" or Beef Soup and their specialty "Camaru" or Stir Fried Crickets.:p


We made the Cricket Pose
Say hi to Cricket in "Kalamansi" or Calamondin, sort of a baby lime. :)

One Hot Cricket :p

It was nice, it was cooked with onions, vinegar and some spices, it was interesting.:D I've gone back there to it those crickets. ooh, Forgot to say they also sell Frogs stuffed with minced beef and A pork dish with Blood Cake(sort of pigs blood gelatin)

Now the Orange beer, My Friend bought this orange beer from the Davao City, Philippines. Its locally produced and can be hard to find and may only be sold in Davao city. I wasn't able to taste it as my friend bought it only as a souvenir and no it doesn't claim to have any magical powers(judging by the label) :lol:

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James May should be here and discuss his experience with Gordon Ramsey

I have seen quite a lot of disgusting food, include pig's intestine, soup with ants floating on, monkey's head, etc. I've never tried any of those.
There's a Japanese food that turns stomachs, natto.

Natt? (???? or ??, Natt??) is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans, popular especially for breakfast. As a rich source of protein, natt? and the soybean paste miso formed a vital source of nutrition in feudal Japan. For some, natt? can be an acquired taste due to its powerful smell, strong flavor, and sticky consistency. In Japan natt? is most popular in the eastern regions, including Kant?, T?hoku, and Hokkaido.


The taste isn't that bad, its the smell and mucus-like consistency. My wife eats it with raw egg and squid ink, making it a smelly, black mucus.

Apart from that there's eating animals while they're still alive, fish and squid especially.

In Cambodia girls were selling fried Tarantula (and Grasshopers) at the bus stop, I'll see if I can dig up a picture later.

But the placenta is the winner in my book.
You knew this one was coming. Haggis.


And Rocky Mountain Oysters aka Lamb Fries. Just cooked testicles.

One word: balut.

Enough to turn you vegetarian. I've seen it but couldn't possibly try it. One of my friends is of Philippino origin, and loves it - like a normal egg, but crunchy. :blink:

You forgot to mention that the egg has already been fertilized.

The yolk has the most incredible taste-warping effect on your taste buds, and is fantastically incompatible with orange juice. That, and each egg is a little grenade of ammonia. And yet, I love these things, and none of my American friends understand.
ladies and gentlemen i give you

casu marzu


Casu marzu (also called casu modde, casu cundh?du, or in Italian formaggio marcio) is a cheese found in Sardinia, Italy, notable for being riddled with live insect larvae. Casu marzu means "rotten cheese" in Sardinian and is known colloquially as maggot cheese.

Derived from Pecorino Sardo, casu marzu goes beyond typical fermentation to a stage most would consider decomposition, brought about by the digestive action of the larvae of the cheese fly Piophila casei. These larvae are deliberately introduced to the cheese, promoting an advanced level of fermentation and breaking down of the cheese's fats. The texture of the cheese becomes very soft, with some liquid (called lagrima, from the Sardinian for "tears") seeping out. The larvae themselves appear as translucent white worms, about 8 mm (1/3 inch) long. When disturbed, the larvae can jump for distances up to 15 cm (6 inches).[1] Some people clear the larvae from the cheese before consuming; others do not. The cheese has recently appeared on Gordon Ramsay's television series The F-Word.

The yolk has the most incredible taste-warping effect on your taste buds, and is fantastically incompatible with orange juice. That, and each egg is a little grenade of ammonia. And yet, I love these things, and none of my American friends understand.

THOSE THINGS ARE AWESOME! :drool: I love eating the gelatin-like outside; can't stand the yolk (or yolks in general) because of it's grotesque texture. Whenever my parents throw a party they buy three of the boxes, cut them up, and arrange them on plates as appetizers. I've never seen how they could be thought of as disgusting.

Most disgusting thing I've ever eaten? I'd say dog meat, but I'd be lying - the first time I had it, it was delicious.


The most disgusting thing I've heard of is probably Guolizhuang restaurant in Beijing, that specializes in nothing but horse, oxen, deer and dog penises.


Man, Westerners eat this shit up. :p

Our second-to-last night in Beijing, my father and I tried to find the mythical restaurant, unsuccessfully. I had read that young couples eat there so the men can become more virile, like a thousand-year-old answer to Viagra. Figures.


My dad thought it was pretty disgusting. But I knew I had to go someday just so I could brag that I ate a sheep fetus once!


Alas, we never found it. So we went to a Spanish restaurant instead, where I decided to be equally adventurous and order a plate of pasta topped in a sauce of squid ink.


It turned out to be better than I thought. Rather salty, though. So I washed it down with some sangria (another first for me, too).

I want to be the Evel Knievel of culinary craziness. Next up - fried scorpion, Laotian cobra whiskey, and maybe overcoming my fear of cockroaches by, you know, eating the suckers.

"The Chinese eat everything with four legs, except tables ? and everything that flies except airplanes."

The yolk has the most incredible taste-warping effect on your taste buds, and is fantastically incompatible with orange juice. That, and each egg is a little grenade of ammonia. And yet, I love these things, and none of my American friends understand.

I HATE century eggs....every time my mom cooks it in porridge and if i even smell it i feel sick...my head starts like hurting and stuff too. heck just thinking about it right now made me a bit sick to the stomach and my head hurts a little...the most disgusting thing i have ever tasted. :barf:
One word: balut.

Enough to turn you vegetarian. I've seen it but couldn't possibly try it. One of my friends is of Philippino origin, and loves it - like a normal egg, but crunchy. :blink:

<Googles balut>

Oh christ... I'm going to see that image whenever I look at an egg now...
I had a roommate in college who was from Mexico, he ate this stuff called Huitlacoche or "corn smut".

Corn smut is a disease of maize caused by the pathogenic plant fungus Ustilago maydis. U. maydis causes smut disease on maize (Zea mays) and teosinte (Euchlena mexicana). Although it can infect any part of the plant it usually enters the ovaries and replaces the normal kernels of the cobs with large distorted tumors analogous to mushrooms. These tumors, or "galls", are made up of much-enlarged cells of the infected plant, fungal threads, and blue-black spores. The spores give the cob a burned, scorched appearance. The name Ustilago comes from the Latin word ustilare (to burn).

One day he finally convinced me to eat some and to this day is the only food that has caused me to gag, which made him laugh quite a bit.

here is a picture...
Thank you
I was very hungry but top gear is on tv, So if I went downstairs I couldn't watch it.
Now alot of my hunger is gone so I can wait at least until some part that doesn't involve the Veyron
Thank you
I was very hungry but top gear is on tv, So if I went downstairs I couldn't watch it.
Now alot of my hunger is gone so I can wait at least until some part that doesn't involve the Veyron

Atleast yours will be back soon. I'm afriad my appetite's gone for days.

And I love food, I'm like a skinny fatass. :mad: