How much sex can there be in a bass line?
Putting some thoughts on Black No. 1 here since they exceed the Music League 500 character limit. I was listening to some hair metal "bad girl" anthems (like Skid Row's album-opening double header Sweet Little Sister and Big Guns) and wondered how they felt so empty, so much a dirty fantasy of a hairspray-addicted bloke, while this one was such a cultural force. It almost is synesthesia in action. If you go to the right club, you can see, smell, and if you get really lucky even feel it (or rather, her). Black No. 1 was adopted, taken on as a canonized description of female attractiveness and sexuality for a whole subculture, and I guess it still is today for many. All the girls wanted to look and be like that, and all the guys wanted a girl like that as well. Which is a bit of a pity because the girls didn't want local goths or metalheads, but Type O Negative singer and
Playgirl centerfold Pete Steele, or as the song puts it a midnight date with Nosferatu. Maybe another vampire like Spike from
Buffy would also do (how the Spike vs. Angel dynamic taught a whole generation of teenage girls that nice guys are boring and bad boys are hot is a topic for another day).
How did the song do this? I don't fully know. Of course Steele's voice is full-on sexual, the scream of "she will" is a pure mating cry, and how the description of femininity are cliché to the bone but at the same time vague enough to match any kind of goth-ness definitely helps. For a song from a male perspective, there is a surprisingly low amount of male gaze, and the supernatural-wiccan undertones of the "bad girl" description definitely ring more true than in hair metal, where "bad girl" is basically code for "slutty".
Add to that that it's a legit good song with three distinct parts, the brilliant (and very aspirational as a subcultural teen) "loving you was like loving the death" climax and an almost irresistibly sexual bass line...
Too bad Pete drank himself to death.