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The "New Toys" Thread


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
When you get a new toy, post it! :thumbsup:
Here's my latest additions to my computer:

OCZ Enhanced Latency 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Dual Channel Kit System Memory - Retail


I now have 4 sticks of the above RAM (2 GB total). 8)

And a new GPU HSF:

ARCTIC COOLING NV Silencer 5 (Rev. 2) Ceramic VGA Cooler - Retail

You must be loaded with Cash if you can save that much up in 2 months bud.

I know.. it's a relatively crappy Dell box. And yet, it's a p3/1ghz machine (these cpu's cost over $1k usd when they came out), with a 3com onboard nic. It's quiet and small. It's going to be my new router... :D

And then.. my new room, living with some friends, is my real new toy. Here's the latest computer setup:
damm u have so many computers...do u really need that many? whats the diff from a router that i use, like the one u just plug loads of wire in and the router u use, which is a computer (a bit of a waste?)
rootrider said:
I know.. it's a relatively crappy Dell box. And yet, it's a p3/1ghz machine (these cpu's cost over $1k usd when they came out), with a 3com onboard nic. It's quiet and small. It's going to be my new router... :D
What Linux distribution is it you are using? its a shame imho to use a Dell for that since as far as i know Dell sells them only with Windows, so you probabely have a licence for Windows on that machine. (but i agree with you Linux is more suitable in this case)
Bought my evo some toys Friday and working on getting it all installed atm.


And two of these for the frontseat headreasts (No one ever sits back there but thought it was gangsta hehe

The navi is in now just need to assault the headreasts tomorrow.
bigfoot1942 said:
rootrider said:
I know.. it's a relatively crappy Dell box. And yet, it's a p3/1ghz machine (these cpu's cost over $1k usd when they came out), with a 3com onboard nic. It's quiet and small. It's going to be my new router... :D
What Linux distribution is it you are using? its a shame imho to use a Dell for that since as far as i know Dell sells them only with Windows, so you probabely have a licence for Windows on that machine. (but i agree with you Linux is more suitable in this case)

uhmm.. it's OpenBSD.. as can be seen in the photo :)
Yes, the dell probably had a Windows license attached to it, but I've never seen that. I just had the box given to me for use as a router a little while ago.
Wasn't this the "New Toys thread", not the "your desk" or "your computer" one?