Speaking of!The Prime sale strikes again!
Apart from the new saddle for the indoor bike, which isn’t tech and which I’ve complained about already in the things that annoy me, I got myself:
- AirPods 3 - they really are quite a bit better than the 2s. Actually did not expect that…
- An 18V water pump in case the basement gets flooded… neighbors tell stories of the canal flowing back into the house in really bad rains. We do have a valve thing to prevent that, but better be prepared, right? Also will allow us to just connect a hose to the rain water tanks we got recently.
- Edit: well… this didn’tt work. So here, I got this thing I posted about over here also: https://forums.finalgear.com/threads/the-power-tools-thread.3556102/page-20#post-3638913