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the only site you'll ever need for downloads...


New Member
May 9, 2004
first off, hey guys. i'm new to the forums and i wanted to contribute something... you guys don't really seem to like bit torrents. well, bit torrent is not just to d/l tg and 5th g. episodes. if you didn't know, there is a site called www.suprnova.org that has just about every digital file you can ever want. it uses bit torrent. oh, and don't use the oringinal client, it sucks. i suggest ABC or azureus.

http://pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net (awsome bit torrent client)
www.suprnova.org (the only d/l site you ever need)
www.btsites.tk (has links to all the best bit torrent sites)

feel free to ask any questions.
Happy downloading!
Supernova is pretty decent, but I certainly wouldn't call it the only download site you ever need.
There are plenty of files there, but compared to kazaa, emule, etc... the number of files is relatively small.
Besides, you wont find top gear of fifth gear on there :lol: .
Thanks for sharing though, some people might not have known about supernova, and it is a great website.