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The Pandora Papers


Forum Addict
Sep 6, 2008
Michigan USA
There should be absolute zero surprise involved here, in any of this...

So, just like last time, everyone will be mad for a day or two, then discuss what needs to be done to fix those tax loopholes and get offshore tax havens under control... and then, at some point, some idiot will suggest that maybe we should be lowering taxes at home so at least the money stays here instead of going off shore... And then, in about a week, nobody will give a shit anymore. Just like last time. And then act all surprised next year, when the next bunch of papers gets released, "didn't we fix this last year???".

[edit: sorry - still sipping first coffee on monday morning]
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Who would have thought that the Brazilian Minister of Economy would devalue the currency to triple his money stashed in a offshore account?
I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

We will see how many people are dragged out of the shadows over the next few weeks.
Who would have thought that the Brazilian Minister of Economy would devalue the currency to triple his money stashed in a offshore account?
I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.
