Some facts from me:
- The biggest penis in the world of mammals belongs to the blue-whale, measuring up to 5 metres. (but the biggest penis of all animals compared to it's own size belongs to a roughly 25cm long bird, which has an extractable penis of almost 2 metres)
- A particle has been accelerated to move faster than the speed of light, in Denmark.
- 15% of the Scandinavian people (Norway, Sweden, Denmark + Iceland & Finland?) can not get AIDS/HIV at all. They are resistent from birth.
- If you could fly (not in an aircraft, just like superman) faster than the speed of light and would watch down at your feet you wouldn't see them, but only yourself a distance behind where you actually are located.
- A pilot in an airplane breaking the sound-barrier doesn't hear the wellknown supersonic boom at all, as he is moving from the sound.
- A man in china knows over 300 of the desimals of Pi (3,14...)
- Women are better suited to be fighter-pilots than men as their hearts are closer to their brain, therefore they can withstain more G-forces than a man. But then again we have more muscles, so we can more easily force the blood into our heads with them...
- Sylvester Stallone once starred in a pornomovie >
- Disney has produced a film called "The story of menstruation" and has also made a Donald Duck propaganda feature where Donald dreams that he is a nazi (saying Heil Hitler several times) *I have this Donald Duck film, it's really funny
- George W. Bush (when governor in Texas) made June 10th the official "Jesus-day"
- Former President George Bush wrote that trying to eliminate Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War in 1991 would have "incurred incalculable human and political costs." (haha, that's so ironic)
- Starbucks recently had to pull an advertisement because it reminded people of the 9/11 attacks. Here it is:
- There is a place in Austria called: Fucking
- The Marlboro man of the 70's (Darrell Winfield) recently died of lung cancer...
- Harry S. Trumans middle-name was really just the letter S
- There have been found remains of a shark 10 times the size of the great white shark.
- Norway is together with Iran the only country in the world to have a religious leader as a president (our is a former priest, we'll get rid of him a.s.a.p as no one voted for him, it's complicated)
- A salmon can swim in 50 km/h
- During the WWII the germans almost made it in creating an atomic bomb, but when transporting the needed heavy-water from Norway to Germany it was sunk when local-saboteurs blew up the boat it was carried in on a freshwater lake, and the heavyeater containers are still there, with the heavywater intact inside.