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The terrorists are holding a GI Joe hostage!!! Oh noes!


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
(Stolen from my blog.)

From the Associated Press (AP):

This image of what appears to be a captured US soldier was posted on an Iraqi militant website, Tuesday Feb. 1, 2005. According to the website, the militants threatened to behead the hostage in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners. The claim could not be verified.(AP Photo)
Full article: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050201/D87VU1582.html

And here's the picture:


Kinda looks odd, huh? That's because it's a GI Joe!


Good job AP! :lmao:

(Stolen from fark.com. Thanks to dz for the link.)
Yeah when I first looked at the pic I thought the shine on the soldier's face doesn't look quite right . :lol:
Folks this goes to show you how pathetic these terrorists are these days. ;)

With the smooth Iraqi elections over and done with they need something to try to gain a foothole in trying to instill fear, after having failed to seriously disrupt the elections.

Whats next, a Bush doll mock assassination? :lol: :lol: "Oh we killed your president, surrender now!" :lol: :lol:
Sounds like a load of BS to me!

Currently listening to: God Put A Smile Upon Your Face - Coldplay - Live 2003 (2003)
You don't believe that the AP really reported that?

It was on all of the local news and stuff here last night.
:lmao: @ barbies
Daniel said:
^It shows u how stupid some of the news agencies in the US are nowadays. Stupid FOX channel probably. :lol:
Isn't the AP a worldwide organization?