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The Trump Presidency - how I stopped worrying and learned to love the Hair

I'm really amused (and simultaneously saddened) by the fact that the dumbasses that are rioting over the result of a fair election don't realize that in many other countries speaking out the way they are would literally have them killed.

I didn't like Trump from the get-go but congratulations, thanks to you retard liberals I love the guy because he makes your panties bunch up over nothing and it's hilarious.

But your definition of a fair election depends on the premise that the electoral college system is fair, which as far as I know is a system no one else uses. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. That is a number you can't dispute. If you want to argue that the popular vote is not a fair system I will listen to you, but you will also have to explain why the electoral college is a fair system. Just because it is the accepted norm, doesn't automatically mean that it is fair.

Donald Trump won the election based on the established rules of the political system. It doesn't mean that the system, or the election, was actually fair. I'm not going to dispute that he won, I will dispute that he won only because of a flaw in a system that is (and never was) perfect.
Wasn't it ~%10 8 years ago and ~%5 now?

All I'm going to say is, even if you dislike the man, at least support him.


-Rosa Parks

I refuse to accept this nationalistic asshole as my president.
All I'm going to say is, even if you dislike the man, at least support him.
The thing about living in a democracy is that you are not supposed to automatically support the person/party in charge. On the contrary, you are supposed to be a critical observer.
I refuse to accept this nationalistic asshole as my president.

Hey, now. Remember the outpouring of support from the right when Obama won?


Wait, no, that's not right...

(Funnily enough, it was "We won't accept the outcome if we lose! The election's rigged!" from the Trump pile not even a day before the election, when almost everyone that wasn't a vocal Trump supporter thought Clinton would likely walk it. Hell, there were calls for an armed insurrection the day after. Now, it's "Trump won. Get over it, snowflake." Usually whenever someone criticizes/makes fun of Trump. :think:)
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There is a difference between "not accepting the results" and "not supporting the president".

I don't have to support the president simply because he sits in office, that is blind nationalism and it is exactly what Trump was calling for in his speech. Blind nationalism and unchecked patriotism are dangerous and have resulted in the rise of dictators, zealots, and oppressors around the world. It is not the time to sit back and let Trump, or anyone else run roughshod over what we have accomplished.

J. Michael Straczynski:

Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- "No, YOU move."
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My greatest worry is what happens around summer or so, when everyone can see that America is still not "great again".

My prediction is that like all bad leaders, he will try to blame the outside world and find scapegoats in foreign countries.
I believe he already has. It's called "Mexico".

In case they actually go through with that wall and making Mexico pay through import tax, this "payment" will also be a vague number and never enough. In that regard, Mexico would actually be better of just straight up paying for the thing, because then they could be done with it.

And in order to steer interest away you can always start a war. Not too close to home of course, but maybe try to erradicate some ex-government-funded&recently-turned-into-terrorists-organisation somewhere in the middle east. How about those Syrian rebels? They would make a nice enough target, and the military is already there anyway, so win-win (except for the rebels of course). Just call it early-stage-terrorism-preventation because obviously they aren't Christians and would sooner or later try to rise up against the western world.

But I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show. Where's that Michael Jackson chewing popcorn gif when you need it?
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In case they actually go through with that wall and making Mexico pay through import tax, this "payment" will also be a vague number and never enough. In that regard, Mexico would actually be better of just straight up paying for the thing, because then they could be done with it.

Nah... the ones paying the tax are the American consumers.
Well, if the Mexicans would stop buying American cars or American products in general, it would also backfire on Trump.
Last night, in a pub, In Belgium, I got in a verbal argument with a Die-hard Trump supporter....50+ year old female, idiot, social and economical wellfare basketcase, no redeeming qualities, CONVINCED that Donald Trump beeing president will improve her life, in BELGIUM.
'We should just give him a chance! He will help the common people!'

His magic ways are so strong they are even convincing people half the world away he never aimed at! :lol::lol:
If Ronaldo scores a goal by throwing the ball like a basketball, would you say that's unfair or would you need some explanation why the rule "no touching the ball with your hands" is fair/unfair? We have a system set up by the constitution - as long as we follow the rules of the game, it's fair.

- - - Updated - - -

Pretty stupid thing to say. Love him or hate him, he IS your president. Hell, I hate Obama but he sure was my president for eight years.

Two comments:
* fair" is different from "the law". so no, just because this concept is put in place and covered by the constitution does not make it fair. additional personal note: i don't care. the system's been in place basically forever and people have multiple times started complaining about it whenever the "wrong" candidate won. it has never been changed, so somehow we have to assume, that it still works and people are mostly content with the way things are.
* true. by definition he is your (as in: all US americans) president. pulling the previous post (that he answered) into context: he is your president, but that does in no way mean you have to support him. that would be blind and mindless patriotism - and i think we all know where that may lead.
Well, if the Mexicans would stop buying American cars or American products in general, it would also backfire on Trump.

Nah, I'm pretty sure that could be packaged as a success, somehow.

And I have to agree, "fair" and "the law" can be two very different things. Just think about the Third Reich, or the stuff that's been going down in Turkey recently. Just because something (currently) is the law, that doesn't necessarily make it "right" or "fair" or "just".

Determining what's "fair" is actually a very difficult philosophical question. Also, not everybody would agree on the same concept of fairness, or rather justice:

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Donald J. Trump said:
This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Donald J. Trump said:
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

Donald J. Trump said:
Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

Donald J. Trump said:
Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

Donald J. Trump said:
We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Donald J. Trump said:
He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election,
(ndlr: WRONG!)
We should have a revolution in this country!
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I never supported President Obama, but I always hoped he would be a good president and do good things for the country. I feel the same way about Trump. It's nothing short of astonishing how badly people want Trump to fail, want him to screw things up, want him to destroy the country, want him to start a war, etc. It's disturbing. And watching all these fascist cunts rioting and vandalizing and killing because of Trump makes me think he might actually be a good choice.
If Ronaldo scores a goal by throwing the ball like a basketball, would you say that's unfair or would you need some explanation why the rule "no touching the ball with your hands" is fair/unfair? We have a system set up by the constitution - as long as we follow the rules of the game, it's fair.


Pretty stupid thing to say. Love him or hate him, he IS your president. Hell, I hate Obama but he sure was my president for eight years.

Both sides love to say stuff like that whenever the other side is in office... https://youtu.be/Pl2zN0Pm7W0?t=1m9s "not my president <awkward smile>"