Of course I'd get a Mac that doesn't "just work" lol
I've got a 2011 iMac which currently is hooked up (well, figuratively) to a Logitech MX Performance. I used a MX518 before that. No problems, ever.
As an Amiga user, what?
In that case I'll swap out the kbd and mouse, re apply the energy saver policy we've pushed via Casper and give it a go.I should also add that I've owned (or own) a Powerbook G4, a pre-unibody Macbook Pro, a 13-inch Unibody Macbook, two 13-inch Macbook Airs and a Mac Mini. Never ever had a problem with USB peripherals.
As a mac user, you might have to skip the 59 euro printer and go for the 79 euro one with Mac drivers. Unless you googled and found out that the cheaper model works anyway, of course. Normal cheap keyboards and mice always work. Doesn't matter who made them.
Pretty much this.You’d have to have really special requirements to buy an x86 MacBook Air right now. Or maybe uninformed enough to buy one from a TV ad.