The ^ < V Game

^ yes
< will include this in future writing :wicked:
V wishes <would stop the teasing
^ knows this, but continues to persist
< can chew the edge of a pillow very effectively
v is :lol:ing again
^ :lol:
< ;)
V :wub:
^ < :wub: ^ too
< muttering bad things about patience
v is going to tease < more
^ teasee
< teaser
V teased
< may explode
v continues to persist!
^ is about to :blowup:
< did earlier
V is still waiting
^ and it's 4am....someone turn off <s brain please
< :blowup: x 2 earlier

v still a tease
^ maybe
< is writing
V will have something to :blowup: to from < soon
^ well....................
< trying to remember patience, and why it was important
v singing lullabyes
^ is sure ^ wants that, and is confused about combusting, strange
< refuses to sing sorry
V is not bothered by <'s decision to not sing
^ well, can't make a decision for self, but will take ^s word for it
< not confused about combusing, is a good combuster
v has also been practicing
^ maybe
< keeps <'s cards close to <'s chest
v Morning/evening :wub:
^ evening/morning :heart:
< knows what ^ is having for breakfast
v is doing for <
^ Sure
< is experimenting with the limit's of V's patience
V wishes < would wrap it up and give V what V wants
^ YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
< is caressing something
v is being mean to < and making < wait!
^ check the PM inbox
< is thinking about killing a delivery person if the item < ordered doesn't get here in time
V wants to know what is being delivered to <
^ sorta, but more interested in inbox
< wanting, reading
v waiting
^ is ^ going to be writing?
< is hungry
V can cook
^ sorta
< is writing
v is waiting for.... ?