The ^ < V Game

^ Not quite
< will wait for comparison videos etc
V would like the pc version but worries if V's pc can handle it
^ PC would probably run it
< planning on getting BF3 for the PC so if that can handle it. it should handle Space Marine
v isn't sure about BF3 yet.
^ yeah
< kinda bored of multiplayer heavy shooters
V understands <'s boredom with the FPS genre
^ completely. FPS genre has been done to death thanks to CoD and they all look the same.
< still thinks BioWare are the best company in business though.
v agrees.
^ yes
< wishes Resident Evil would go back to Raccoon City, fixed camera's limited ammo and zombies, bring back the focus on horror
V agrees with <
^ definately. Resident Evil 2 is still the best out of them all.
< thinks they are doing Racoon City with one of the upcoming anniversary games though.
v has heard of it.
^ yes
< it's follows the gameplay style of 4 and 5 though, so heavy action etc
V now curious
^ yup
< seen the trailer for it which got my attention. the moment i saw it was set in Racoon City it grabbed my by the throat and said "watch me"
v knows of which i speak.
^ yes
< will tell of something good
V RE4 is being re-released in HD for Xbox 360 and PS3
^ reading now.
< too many games coming out in the next few months as it is so will probably put it on the sideline for now.
v has too many games to choose from.
^ yes
< doesn't mind though
V does not have many games
^ quite a few games.
< trying to complete all the ones that i haven't finished before getting any more.
v knows of which thou speaketh.
^ yes
< needs to beat quite a few
V working on a specific game to be completed
^ yes, currently working on Assassins Creed Brotherhood.
< wants to finish it before Assassins Creed Revelations is released.
v has never played the Assassins Creed games.
^ false
< played 1 and 2, really want to beat Gran Turismo 5
V is a Gran Turismo fan
^ not a hardcore fan but still enjoy playing it.
< more of a Forza fan than a GT fan.
v likes GT more than Forza.
^ false
< likes both equally they have their ups and downs between them
V knows of other similar games which often get the same treatment in comparisons
^ indeed.
< Call of Duty and Battlefield are another example. Both games have their legions of fanboys and those in the middle who just want to play and enjoy the bloody games.
v is among those in the middle.