The "What the Bloody Fuckintosh?" Thread

"French agriculture minister, Bruno Lemaire, said in January that the Government's aim for nutrition was to defend the French agricultural."

No I do not beleive it a French Agriculture minister who's job is to defend French Agriculture - this can not be so in the European Project now can it?

Mind. Blown.


French actor and one of the coolest men on the planet, Jean (Leon, the Professional) Reno was born in Morocco to Spanish parent and his real name is Juan Moreno y Herrera Jim?nez!

He was born in Maroc ( Morroco) because his parents fled the Franco r?gime (there are a lot of french citizens now whose parents or grand parents left Spain after the civil war).
Interesting article. I could do without the morally superior tone of the author, though.

Many of the comments are disturbing, particularly if you're Indian. (A lot of "disgusting savages" remarks.) Although one caught my eye.

Actually, this is exactly how America does it, using violence to beat the Indians [Native Americans] to death, pushing the Asian, African, and poor out into the country, running the poor white people into the surrounding outskirts of the cities. America?s police are even more terrible than China?s chengguan. If you?re within two meters of a police officer, you have to raise your hands, otherwise American police have the right to shoot you dead.

Where do I start. Yes, there is a long history of genocide and oppression by the American government against the Native American people. Unfortunately behavior like that is not limited to just the U.S. Other nations have treated their aboriginal population badly, including China. Also, I grew up in the country, and in my school of 700 students, there were two African American students and one Vietnamese American. Most Asians and blacks live either in the cities or in the suburbs surrounding the cities.

And the last part (The bolded section) only applies if you're black.