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This is SO cool! **For PhotoFreaks**

That's the kind of effect I tried to make on my avatar :) Only I did it in real time, picture comes directly from camera on the back of the phone.

On the photo with 3 monitors... First one is at angle, how a photo was made? Probably just edited (scaled) afterwards on photoshop or something.
That's great. Must of taken them quite some time to pull it off. Awesome though :)
Wow, that's a lot of Unothorized Hotlinking. ;)
@rest. That's a awesome idea. I'm going to make one of my own.
Ah crap, they're hosted on supload.com. I'll just link to the thread then. :?
I first i thought it was a photoshop trick. But it says it's not :| I guess that's kind of neat.