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Toca/V8 Supercars 2 with the Driving Force Pro


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec, VW Passat 118TSI
Has anyone had any luck setting the left/right steering controls with the driving force pro?
Ah, don't worry about it ;-p. I stuffed around for a while and managed to get them set by and extra violent turn of the wheel.
Good for you mate.

I was gonna ask before...how is it? I'm seriously considering one, is it worth all that money?
Yeah, worth every cent. In GT4 it's truly great, and u can use it with the PC too because it's USB.
It's a very good wheel, but I was dissapointed because yes, it's 900 degrees but in games (atleast in GT4) I never have to use more than 300 degrees, which is almost the same as a regular wheel...
^Yep many reviews describe it as an overkill but its still good knowing 900degrees is available. Only thing I wait for in the next GT Force wheel (probyl PS3) is power steering so the wheel pulls back like a real car.

Aparently in Rally mode in GT4, it can become a real bitch having to manually pull the wheel back.
I used the 900? a lot in GT4... Especially in the tight hairpins in that italian village...

On the pc I got it set to 540? using DX Tweak, and its great with LFS...
Toca2 would even have a setting for 900? steering!

i've had a play around with DXtweak and the excellent Toca/V8 Supercars steering wheel setup and have got it just about right. i think i'll have to go into the config files of the game to get Force Feedback to work though.


in the pchardwareconfig.ini

^^Thats what I have, and it works great!
Oh, and the newest patch, off course...

i'll give those a go, thanks!!
Another question: :roll:

Can you configure the wheel much in terms of lock/sensitivity etc...it has? Do you have to do that over PC to get it on the PS2 that way?
Nope, you can set it for PC, but that doesn't carry over to the PS2...

Renesis said:
It's a very good wheel, but I was dissapointed because yes, it's 900 degrees but in games (atleast in GT4) I never have to use more than 300 degrees, which is almost the same as a regular wheel...

I constantly use far more than 300 degrees. OK i rarely get the wheel to lock (unless i've had a spin and i'm turning around) but the fact is 900 degrees is like a real car. I also had to use the wheel in 300 degree mode for a while when playing NFSU2 on the PC (before Buba told me about DXTweak) and found myself to constantly smash into the lock barrier because I was used to the freedom of extra wide radius.

Sorry Ren, I don't agree with you here. 900 isn't too much, it's just right, because it's just like a real car.

SL65, think of driving a real car and the turning range with the wheel. Apply that thought to the DFP and you're spot on thinking how this wheel is used.