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Today I Learnt...

Today I learned that last year (2022), an average of four World War II duds per day have been taken care of in my state (North Rhine-Westphalia).

And it will take how long to find the remaining duds? Another hundred years? Duds from WWI are still being found. Then there is Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and all the other places humans throw bombs around.
Today I learned that last year (2022), an average of four World War II duds per day have been taken care of in my state (North Rhine-Westphalia).

And now russia is making sure that the Ukraine has to go through the same thing for the forseeable future.
TIL it’s possible to embed a thing into a forum thing like the above thing.
It’s a bit annoying as I get the data protection warning in the embed box. 🙈
Yeah I'm on the fence about getting a ban on those, you can't even see what it is because the box is in the way. It's easy to scroll down and click reject all but is it worth it?

Maybe a ban on posts that are just links instead, so there has to be some text describing what it is. Then it doesn't matter if we can't see it. Lots of NPR links in the political section are already like that.
It's easy to scroll down and click reject all but is it worth it?
Oh what I also somehow suspect, and that’s very much implicit in my shit post up there: does the consent form even work at all inside the embed? Cause even clicking accept all, it will always be back the for the next embed, or even the same one once I reload the page. So I suspect it actually does nothing…
HDMI CEC Less Adapter is supposed to cure a cable box losing sound

TIL that there is a one-storey building where about 285,000 (yes, two hundred and eighty five thousand!) businesses are officially registered.
A previous ruler of Turkmenistan, was a dentist, liked white things, started a "White City" urban renewal project in the capital of Ashgabat, sheathed buildings in white marble and only allows white cars!