Top Gear - Audi R8 vs Nissan GT-R


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
S?dert?lje, Sweden
Volvo 480ES -88
I'm starting to mind the GT-R's looks less and less. And becoming more and more impressed with what it's capable of on the road.
R8 for me. Its just a bit better, as said in the report. And if you get the GT-R you still have that problem that people will still ask you about your new Skyline. No matter how many times you tell them it isn't a Skyline, they will ignore you.

And I still get that overwhelming sense that the GT-R is a car for car engine bores, like James May, who sit at home gently caressing an old 2cyl bike motor. Just look at the review. The 2 bits of nerdy talk in that review: "plasma-sprayed 0.15mm cylinder bores" and "coefficient of 0.27", are both about the Nissan. Not everybody knows what those two things mean. And they shouldn't have been mentioned. It should be kept to 'twin turbo V6'.
I'd have the Audi.. And especially when the V10 comes along.. :D

The GT-R is hugely impressive, but it just doesn't appeal to me. The Audi sure as hell does.. :p
And I still get that overwhelming sense that the GT-R is a car for car engine bores, like James May, who sit at home gently caressing an old 2cyl bike motor. Just look at the review.

James may hated the Skyline GT-R...
My Top Gear Magazine has just arrived and has a 'New Cars Of 2008' section. And in the middle are posters, one of which is the Ninja Stig w/ GTR and R8 photo! :lol: