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Top Gear on DVD?


Nov 14, 2005
Living in the United States we don't get to watch the true Top Gear. Discovery channel puts on a watered down farce.

Are the past seasons of Top Gear available in the UK any where for purchase? I've tried Amazon UK, Classic Motorbooks and Duke video but with no luck.
I looked earlier for them and didn't see any so I burned all of my downloaded epsisodes to DVD in their original avi format. Then I play them in my Philips DVP642 DVD player. That player is around $60 and plays DivX files as well as real DVD's.

You may want to look into that. I think the avi's look pretty good on my 27" TV.
I've been hooking up my comp to the TV to play them (32" Sony). They look good, I use an S-Visdeo cable from my X-800. I would like to have them high quality and of course give the show back some money so the keep going!
Yeah, I would love to have the actual DVD's, but don't see that happening anytime soon. :cry:
TommySVT said:
I looked earlier for them and didn't see any so I burned all of my downloaded epsisodes to DVD in their original avi format. Then I play them in my Philips DVP642 DVD player. That player is around $60 and plays DivX files as well as real DVD's.

You may want to look into that. I think the avi's look pretty good on my 27" TV.

Haha, same setup as me: Philips DVP642 DVD/DivX player and 27" TV :)

I think having a DivX player is much better then converting the episodes onto a regular DVD, since you can fit way more eps onto a DivX data disc and you don't have to wait hours for it to transcode in Nero.
burnsy said:
it'd be nice if it was that easy, but not everybody has a dvd player that can play divx.

Yeah, but it is really cheap, cheaper than 2 or 3 DVDs... :mrgreen:
burnsy said:
it'd be nice if it was that easy, but not everybody has a dvd player that can play divx.

Hey, I'm pretty tight on finances most of the time, but I could dish out $60 for a DivX player :roll:
burnsy said:
i take my avi's and make my own true dvd format dvd's. even make my own menus. how does the menu look?
having trouble making chapters though. gotta research more.

The comic sans! It burns my eeeeyes!

Pleases, any other font.

Having said that, the menues themselves do look rather trick.
what font would you suggest? if it is a custom one you suggest, send me the font, and i'll give it a try.
Looks good, made in Nero?
update: i've got my dvd's working with chapters now, to skip over sections that you'd like to not see, or to skip to something you want. i'd be willing to make copies and send them to people if shipping was paid.

each season is separated into two discs with 5 episodes on each disc. season 6 is separated into 3 discs, 4 episodes each. season 7, i have the first three on disc, next three will be on one.

i wonder if anybody would want to have these?